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From: 고범규 <bk7...@gmail.com>
Date: 2013/6/21
Subject: question about running on multiprocessor
To: nginx@nginx.org

Hi, I'm a beginner on this field.

I want just to do some simulation about multiprocessor programming.

What I'm trying to do is to test performance of nginx by using Apache
So, I added "server.max-worker = 8" to default "nginx.conf"
and ran Apache Bench through a command, "ab -n 100000 -c 1000

However, server computer's max CPU utilization showed 30% as if it had just
2 cores.
Without "max-worker=8", max CPU utilization is 15%, so it is sure that
there was some change.

How can I increase the CPU utilization to 100%, which is 8 core??

Followings are running environment,

O/S: Ubuntu 12.04 (in VIrtualbox4.2)
CPU: Intel, i7-3610QM (which has physical 4 cores, but virtually 8 cores
considering hyperthreading)
RAM: 4096MB
nginx: 1.4.1
Apache: 2.2

notes-I checked that CPU utilization can be 100% with another application.

If anyone has idea on this or needs more information about my setting,
please let me know.
Thanks in advance.
With regards,
Jason Koh (고범규)

With regards,
Jason Koh (고범규)
nginx mailing list

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