We are investigating upgrading from NH 1.2 to 2.0. After fixing all of
the namespace changes, I am getting an error with the named queries.
In 1.2 they worked fine, now I get a runtime error with the following

Errors in named queries: {IRI.GetAccounts}.... for all of the named
queries. Below is the first named query:
<query name="IRI.GetAccounts">

                select r.RetailerId as Id, r.Name, b.BannerId, b.Name as 
map.AccountId, 'Banner' as 'Type', names.IsMviActive as IsMviActive
                from IRIMapping map
                join IRINames names
                on names.Id = map.AccountId
                join Retailer r
                on r.RetailerId = map.RetailerId
                join Banner b
                on b.BannerId = map.BannerId
                where map.RetailerId is not null and map.BannerId is not null
                and map.AccountId in (select Id from IRINames where Type
= :accountType)
                union all
                select r.RetailerId as Id, r.Name, '0' as BannerId, '0' as
BannerName, map.AccountId, 'Retailer' as 'Type', names.IsMviActive as
                from IRIMapping map
                join IRINames names
                on names.Id = map.AccountId
                join Retailer r
                on r.RetailerId = map.RetailerId
                where map.RetailerId is not null and map.BannerId is null
                and map.AccountId in (select Id from IRINames where Type
= :accountType)
                union all
                select f.FormatId as Id, f.Name, '0' as BannerId, '0' as 
map.AccountId, 'Format' as 'Type', names.IsMviActive as IsMviActive
                from IRIMapping map
                join IRINames names
                on names.Id = map.AccountId
                join Format f
                on f.FormatId = map.FormatId
                where map.AccountId in (select Id from IRINames where Type
= :accountType)
                union all
                select ch.ChannelId as Id, ch.Name, '0' as BannerId, '0' as
BannerName, map.AccountId, 'Channel' as 'Type', names.IsMviActive as
                from IRIMapping map
                join IRINames names
                on names.Id = map.AccountId
                join Channel ch
                on ch.ChannelId = map.ChannelId
                where map.AccountId in (select Id from IRINames where Type
= :accountType)
                order by Name, BannerName


This query runs fine in SQL 2005 Management stuido. the :accountType
variables are actually done through a string replacement before
running they query.

Some of the queries, however do not have any variables at all, and
those are still listed in the error.

what changed between 1.2 and 2.0 that would cause the named queries to
not work? I can't seem to find any documentation on it.



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