Re: [Nighthawk Lovers] Dent removal

2015-05-22 Thread Graham Rogers
I tried it once Ross, got no where and I talked to a guy who does it on cars for a living. He said he had never had any luck with a motorcycle tank, Graham Sent from my iPad > On May 22, 2015, at 21:29, 'Rmj' via Nighthawk Motorcycle Lovers! > wrote: > > Has anyone used one of those dent pu

Re: [Nighthawk Lovers] Re: Kie Blinc Bluetooth Motorcycle Wireless Communication System

2015-05-22 Thread Kyle Munz
I have found one flaw with this device. It could just be how I mounted it, but when I look back to the left and down the shoulder armour on my jacket hits the lever on the back of the headset and resets my mp3 to the beginning of the track. Otherwise I have no complaints. Great sound quality for th

Re: [Nighthawk Lovers] Road trip

2015-05-22 Thread pa_sk8r
Sounds like fun! Where'd you graduate from? I graduated from Cal State San Berdoo in 90'. Those are many of the areas I hung out at when I lived there for 20 years. (I resided in the High Desert/Crestline/West Covina/Anaheim/Pasadena) Watch out for all the crazies on the freeways! -Bernie On

Re: [Nighthawk Lovers] Dent removal

2015-05-22 Thread Kyle Munz
There's a burned NH in a salvage yard near me. The PO drilled holes to pull a dent, bondoed over it, painted it, and parked next to his gas water heater. Gas ate through the bondo and burned his garage down. On May 22, 2015 20:29, "'Rmj' via Nighthawk Motorcycle Lovers!" < nighthawk_lovers@googlegr

[Nighthawk Lovers] Road trip

2015-05-22 Thread 'Rmj' via Nighthawk Motorcycle Lovers!
My 40th high school reunion is the weekend of Oct. 10. I'm planning to tow my bike to the L.A. area. I'm too decrepit to ride there and back. However, when I get there, I'm planning a week of riding to my old haunts. Rosemead blvd to Huntington beach, Rim of the World Highway, San Gabriel canyon

[Nighthawk Lovers] Dent removal

2015-05-22 Thread 'Rmj' via Nighthawk Motorcycle Lovers!
Has anyone used one of those dent puller on their fuel tank? The type were you glue on a part & then use some kind of fixture/puller? Thank you, Ross -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Nighthawk Motorcycle Lovers!" group. To unsubscribe from this gro

[Nighthawk Lovers] Re: brake bleeding trouble

2015-05-22 Thread surfswab
All that activity may have overtaxed the rubber parts in your brake system, creating a leak. I always suspect deteriorated rubber parts, especially diaphragms, on bikes that old. You might buy/borrow a Mighty Vac setup and try that one more time before biting the bullet and cleaning/rebuilding

[Nighthawk Lovers] brake bleeding trouble

2015-05-22 Thread Melissa Hickson
When I was cleaning the caliper on my '86 CB450sc, I accidentally pumped air into my brake system. Alas! I've been trying and trying to bleed it out but am having no luck. I tried the typical way (pump the brake a couple of times, crack the bleeder, close the bleeder, release the brake). I tried "s

[Nighthawk Lovers] Re: A little eye-candy

2015-05-22 Thread Phil
Here it the old standard Progressive shocks on the Vs. 650. I may go to a heavier spring later, but its doing the job now with LA, CA's wrinkled concrete slabs. Only so much you can do, but the tires are round as baby buns :-)