Looking to upgrade my head light bulb.  Being that the bulb is enclosed in 
the head light housing I read that an led would get too hot.  What is my 
best choice that will fit in the housing and give me the brightest light 
with an excellent pattern?  Hikari Ultra is top rated but they stated not 
good for motorcycles due to heat.  It is rated at 12,000 lm for high and no 
listing for low beam lm.  I live in FL where it is very hot in the summer. 
Also the Hikari is only sold in sets of two.  Obviously I only want to buy 
a single bulb.  It is offered only with a conversion kit.  I do not believe 
an 85 machine needs the conversion module (tiny).  Will a conversion module 
fit in the head light housing or do I have to find just a bulb with no 
conversion module? Thanks

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