My 82 CB750SC has an issue in that when I shift from 1st to 2nd it
doesn't always take - I'll shift up, let off the clutch, give it some
gas and not actually be in gear (indicated by engine revving).  I've
come to remedy that issue by shifting into second and holding it there
until it's engaged, which works fine.  However, twice now I've pulled
in the clutch to slow down while in 2nd, but didn't downshift before
speeding up again, and while the clutch was in it fell out of gear
(again unbeknownst to me until I gave it some gas).  I don't recall
exactly, but I may have gone over some bumps in the road when that's
happened, which may play a factor in it falling out of gear.

So keeping in mind that I am absolutely not "mechanically" educated
when it comes to automotive or motorcycles, any ideas of what is going
on and if it's something I could fix myself?

I know enough to be dangerous and pull a Tim Taylor by tearing
something apart, having springs and pieces fly everywhere, and then
not being entirely sure how they go back together. Not that it stops
me from pulling things apart and trying, anyway.  Actually, I'm not
too bad when it comes to mechanics and working on stuff, I have all
the tools and am happy getting dirty, it's just that I've never worked
on cars, bikes and engines so I don't really know what I'm looking at
and how it all works.


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