Hello everyone,
My wife and i just  purchased a 1985 Honda Nighthawk 650,actually we rescued it from a very abusive owner .The guy screwed up a lot on this bike... he removed the factory turn signals (sliced the wires behind the headlight and we have no clue what wire go to what) the horn does not work, the brake light does not work and the headlight, dash lights and tail lights seem to have a short in the wiring.I was attempting to free up the throttle cable and choke cable at the carburetor by spraying WD-40 on them... with the engine off while spraying the WD -40 i heard a popping sound which i thought was my imagination because i can not hear too well out of my right ear but when i was done and turned the key to the on position the headlight & dash lights would not come on.They came on after fiddling with wires but go out again sometimes.We got the bike started after we emptied out the old gas in the tank which the guy claimed to have put "Restore" in (i always thought that "Restore" was something that went into the oil not the gas),just to be safe we emptied the tank and filled it with fresh gasoline.After getting the engine started it was idling way too high (around 2500- 3000 RPM)i thought it was the idle set too high or vacuum leak so i checked the vacuum line going to the carbs and that appeared to be okay.It seems that the choke is not disengaging (i had a 1983 Honda Nighthawk many years ago but do not remember which way the choke lever goes because there is no label on this one ... is the choke on when the lever is pushed upwards or downwards?) Either way i push it ,it does not seem to move the little doo dads on the carbs.. it might be bound up somewhere somehow... how do i fix this?Also he has an Interstate battery #YB12A-A  M2212y in the bike which was dead and when i put it on the battery tender/ tester  it says the battery is bad... we checked @ Walmart and they did not list a battery for this bike but this battery #12a-a showed for the Nighthawk 450 and smaller bikes.The dealer has a battery #YB12AL-A listed for this bike.Could a wrong battery cause the electrical problems we are having or would that be from the wires being cut?Also we need the side covers because like everything else on the bike he destroyed those as well, does anyone know where we can purchase them for less than $100 each?
Thank you for reading and we appreciate any and all help we can get with this bike, have a great day ~ Scott & Amber

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