Good call, if you have the time for it

-----Original Message-----
Date: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 3:51:58 pm
To: "Nighthawk Motorcycle Lovers!" <>
From: "sfox618" <>
Subject: [Nighthawk Lovers] Re: Title scam interruptus

The suit is not moot!  Sorry had to say that.

You can bill them for your time - I'd do that out of principal.  They
did something that is at best questionable and in one case illegal.
Do you know how many hours you have spent resolving this problem?  No
judge is going to believe that this was all a big misunderstanding.
Especially in small claims court.  You can take your yearly income and
divide it by 2080 to get your hourly rate - eg: $50,000/2080 = $25 per
hour.  2080 is the number that the IRS uses.

You'll get a settlement from the judge and use it for upgrades to your


On Sep 21, 4:44 pm, surfswab <> wrote:
> Bought a new(er) 750 the last week in August from a guy who said he
> was previous owner's landlord and had accepted the bike in lieu of
> back rent.
> He had a title, signed off by the "tenant" and a bill of sale, so I
> had no reason to doubt the story.
> But when I went to the DMV, they confiscated my title, told me it was
> void because the tenant had filed for a duplicate (!)
> After several unsuccessful rounds of attempting to contact either of
> these characters (they live in a different county) I filed suit
> against both of them in Magistrate (small claims) Court.
> Didn't hear anything for a couple weeks, but then got a flurry of
> phone calls and emails with all kinds of the-dog-ate-my-paperwork
> stories -- both falling all over themselves, willing to do whatever
> they could to correct the situation.
> This sudden cooperation kinda surprised me until I got notice in the
> mail that their local Sheriff had served them with summons.
> The tenant magically came up with the current title, which he'd just
> happened to "find" in a pile of papers.  He agreed to meet me at a
> notary public to sign it off and provide a bill of sale, also
> notarized, if I would withdraw the lawsuit.
> I agreed to that, but told him I wouldn't do it until I had proper
> title, in my name and in my hand.
> Long story short, I have title in hand, plates on the bike and all is
> copasetic.  But I haven't withdrawn the suit yet.
> Why?  I wanna keep these two squirming for awhile, just on general
> principle.  I haven't figgered out what they were up to.  It takes 30
> days for a dupe title to be issued, so the tenant's application for it
> started long before the bike was offered for sale and I came on the
> scene.
> So I don't think they were trying to screw me, neccessarily.  I
> suspect the tenant was trying to get over on the landlord by giving
> him the old, signed off title, then applying for a new one, maybe
> planning to repo the bike at some point in the future.  I don't think
> he was counting on the landlord selling the bike, or me to file suit.
> So I dunno.  But it was kinda fun turning on the light and watching
> the cockroaches scatter (!)

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