More control over allocations

2016-07-04 Thread ephja
User-specified input buffers could be added in order to reduce the amount of allocations that are performed: proc slice(s: string; first, last: int; ret: var string) = for i in first .. last: ret.add s[i] Then there's the issue of not being able to choose which t

Re: Nim and COM

2016-07-04 Thread LeuGim
Just follow instructions in [this series of articles]( on using (and creating) COM-objects in plain C, w/o using any libraries, so it can be reproduced in Nim as is. You'll need to import `windows.nim` (nimble package)

Re: Nim and COM

2016-07-04 Thread Garry_Galler
In my script, I wrote on a powershell, is often used to work with Word documents - such as the creation of html content downloaded Word document, followed by editing its properties. I would like to re-write some scripts to Nim, but I have no idea how to call the Word.Application object and its m

Re: Nim and COM

2016-07-04 Thread Varriount
Since COM has a C interface, it's quite possible (although I have yet to see a real-world example). What kind of scenario are you planning to use COM in?

Nim and COM

2016-07-04 Thread Garry_Galler
How in Nim it is possible to cause COM object of (Word|Excel).Application?