Basic was probably one of the most influencing factors for us all sit in front
of computers. C is also a pretty simple language, as is Javascript. There is
nothing wrong with keeping stuff simple.
Nim kinda suffers from feature creep for a long time. You can call it
experimenting though. Consid
> Simplify, simplify, simplify
Such a language already exists, Basic. But instead of just using that probably
it's more fun to choose one of the most feature-rich languages and advertise
triple simplicity for it. Then further steps: promote rejecting pointer
arithmetic in C and OOP in Java.
BTW: Why not giving my font to the compiler so that he can decide which
identifiers look to similar for me to use?
I'm torn. I _love_ Araq's attitude on this. He's right that languages should
reject similar identifiers, or flag them, or consider them the same. It's bad
However, I'm not looking for the perfect language. A major strength of **Nim**
is the easy foreign-function-interface, and this redu
Don't ask me how I know that...
# nim js -d:nodejs -d:release --hints:off
Obj {.exportc.} = object
name: cstring
surname: cstring
fullname: proc(): cstring
greet: proc()
proc `&`(a,b: cstring): cstring {.importcpp: "
> For example, GLint / GL_INT is a problem - I mean, IIRC doesn't one represent
> an int type and the other an enum? Is that sensible naming? The source of
> this particular problem is the library, not CS/CI/_. I just think they're
> named badly and are ambiguous about what they really are. Case
It seems that methods are not compiled to method calls in the javascript
backend. I am sure there are very good reasons of incompatible semantics here.
Yet there are js APIs that require being able to pass objects with methods to
library functions. How would one generate the equivalent of this j
Seems like there are two separate things in this thread.
* One, some people don't want _ to be ignored,
* Two, some people don't like case insensitivity.
In my _opinion_ case insensitivity is better.
> What are the pros and what are the cons of 100% matching identifiers. I do
> not see ma
Writing transparently re-encoding open/read functions for general usage may be
possible but is hardly a "system level" functionality. I guess that should need
to go into an extra (external) module.
Adding BOM to the encodings module may be interesting. But technically I think
it belongs into th
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@LeuGim: But that would mean I had to write if structure.structureType =
StructureTypes.STRUCTURE_TOWER. I think that would be even worse :)
I just changed the compiler to at least not ignore _ such that foo_bar !=
foobar != fooBar. That is quite easy and needs just some few fixes in the
Will it be possible in the future to add to the system a procedure for
open\read file in the proper encoding?
While I use this variant:
import strutils
proc readFile*(filePath:string,
destEncoding:string = "UTF8"): Ta
> That is leaving the audience to cope with a design decision based on a
> personal opinion. And yes. This is my personal opinion.
Its not only your opinion because i also agree with you. It has advantages but
the disadvantages do seem to out way the advantages.
**Non-uniformal type including**
_OderWat:_ {. pure .} could be used for the enum in your example, no renaming
then needed.
* * *
I'd like some special character to be allowed at the end of identifiers, be
that underscore, or (better) apostrophe (`'`), or something else present on
keyboards. `x`, `x'`, `x''`, or `x`, `x_`, `x
To display the console in Windows, I use
import windows
var str = encodings.convert(text, $GetConsoleCP(), "UTF-8")
It will run on any computer with Windows, regardless of language locale. Or
just turn on the console code page UTF-8:
discard SetConsoleC
@Araq Please try to be objective. Nobody forces you to change anything. You can
leave the style insensitiveness in this language just for the sake to
distinguish it more from other languages and make Nim a more unique experience.
I think everybody can live or deal with it, there are no major pro
Thanks, but I think jnim using as run Java programm on JVM from Nim
but I need run C code (wrote on Nim and compled to dll) from Java.
Not sure if I can answer your question, but
[jnim]( allows bridging to java in a nice
automagical way.
I want to be polite but I find it just ignorant to say "search tools should
become smarter..." because one of the search tools is my brain and my brain
says: foo_bar != foobar != fooBar. That is leaving the audience to cope with a
design decision based on a personal opinion. And yes. This is my
Tried anybody do like here: [Java programming with
But compiled a dll from Nim? Does exist an example?
* Search tools should generally become smarter anyway. And the Unix "tools"
are all abominations anyway.
* the indirection would be necessary anyway for performance.
* It's just better than other programming languages.
* Compile-time errors are not "bugs".
Yes this get's discussed a lot. And yes there are problems:
* Non-conflicting names in C libraries become conflicting names in nim
wrappers. See OpenGl wrapper for example. (No `cGL_INT` is not a sane name)
* common search tools such as
@araq ... nobody enforces you to write _foo but I would love to use _ for temp
variables or proxied values. I don't see any reason why a programmer can't use
them as he wants besides your opinion about what is ugly and what is not :)
We generally do not have to write _foo. My suggestion was only for the few
people who needs this feature, maybe to wrap an exotic lib without being
willing to put much work in text mangling. That people can use full case
sensitivity with underscores for VERY FEW identifiers and are happy. And we
The only time I got a problem so far is in Nim-Screeps. There I would need
something like this:
StructureTypes = enum
Structure = object of RootObj
structureType: StructureTypes
> That is easy to implement and allows to fix ALL of the rare real problems.
It doesn't fix the problem that I don't want to write `_foo`. Nim is not
Python, it doesn't need ugly naming to indicate "that's private" or "that's a
member" or whatever the distinction between `_foo` and `foo` should
> I have serious doubts concerning concentration on 3 compilers when in
> embedded environment the compiler is likely to be produced by a company, one
> may never have heard of before
Most embedded compilers follow GCC though when it comes to command line
options, many are forks of GCC in fact.
Yup, should have checked on devel (was using 0.14.2)! Thanks for trying that. I
think the version of the macro I posted may not descend into the include
statement so I'll get devel built and check that out.
@cdunn2001 > partial-casing causes problems.
Can you provide examples?
For the gtk related libs, I had initially indeed problems two years ago when
Nimrod was fully style insensitive. But now with partial casing there are no
problems, types like Buffer start with capital letter, and procs or te
Works for me on devel. However, the bit with the `include` does not.
What kind of problems? All I know it means you have to come up with sane names
sometimes. You know, names you can actually _talk_ about. (I know talking about
code is uncommon, but still.)
> Partial casing is simply the next logical step, IMHO. As our editors grow
> smarter and smarter they should allow us to present the code in the way we're
> most comfortable with. This means the freedom to render fooBar as foo_bar
> instead. What's necessary to accomplish this goal? fooBar has
I agree it causes problems, but having identifiers in existing libraries with
same partial-cased names is very rare. (It might be a good idea to allow _XX
and XX_)
Making partial-casing a compiler flag is a worse idea than disabling it (most
existing code anyway won't compile with this flag).
I'm trying to change the type of integer literals in a const block using a
macro. The macro looks like this:
import macros
macro uint32_const_type(s: stmt): stmt =
proc walk(s: NimNode) {. compiletime .} =
case s.kind:
of nnkStmtList:
A trick to improve build times in **C++** is to concatenate the source files.
(Or equivalently, `#include` all files into a single compilation unit, which
maintains source line numbers for debugging.) Precompiled headers provide
almost no speed-up at all for templates, in my experience.
In **Ni
First of all, a bit of my history.
I worked in a C++ with a very generic 3D Mesh data structure (OpenMesh).
Everything was templated, and I could add arbitrary data to vertices, edges,
halfedges and faces. The data structure was basically the non-plus-ultra in 3D
geometry representation. But it
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