Re: Nimgame 2

2017-03-25 Thread Vladar
I have improved my [Linux Game Jam 2017]( [entry]( (3rd place), Glorious Glacier Grotto, which was written using Nimgame 2. [v1.2 on GitHub]( [v1.2 on

Re: Thread-local persistence

2017-03-25 Thread cdunn2001
I have some time this weekend to experiment with boehm and markandsweep. > It wouldn't be surprising if total heap space (live objects + free space) > went up as a result of fragmentation, but free space explosion would mean > that you've encountered a pathological case. "Pathological"? If

Re: cannot assign result of a template with block argument unless surrounded by a block expression

2017-03-25 Thread mashingan
Is it possible to return value from template which the last of argument is `untyped`? If possible, maybe some example would be nice I used template with last argument `untyped` for executing that argument (which consists of statements) but never use so that it would return something.

Re: Why does loadLib affect some other thread in this case?

2017-03-25 Thread mashingan
Creating shared lib with Nim works fine in my end and the lib loaded no problems. The code is same with what I wrote in C # compile: nim c --app:lib test.nim from os import sleep proc test(): int {.cdecl, exportc, dynlib.} = sleep 1 # blocking 10

Problem with the generic of sequence.

2017-03-25 Thread slangmgh
A compiler problem when I using generic. the code: import sequtils, typetraits type Point = object x,y: int rseq[T] = ref object inq: ref seq[T] Vector[T] = rseq[T] proc P(x, y: int): Point = Point(x: x, y: y) proc