Re: Nim, or gcc, problem?

2018-04-23 Thread Araq
> If the devs don't have even a basic level of intellectual inquisitiveness > (pride?) to understand why this phenomena exists (and would have to > ultimately fix it ), I don't know what more data, motivation, or incentive, > is needed. _Shrug_ I 'm sorry I know so much about problems like

Re: Nim, or gcc, problem?

2018-04-23 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Mr jzakiya, this is indeed an interesting observation, and in your last post you gave a very good description of it. But your attitude is still a bit strange. As you already found out, Nim generates fully valid C code, similar code as a C programmer may write. So it is more a problem of C

Re: Perfecting Nim

2018-04-23 Thread Araq
I'm not a fan of exceptions but the alternatives that are usually suggested are worse reinventions of exceptions. Error handling is really not that hard to analyse: In case of an error you can only do a couple of different things: * Let it "bubble up" the call stack. * Retry the operation.

Re: Nim, or gcc, problem?

2018-04-23 Thread jzakiya
In order to be taken `super, suPER, SUPER` seriously, let me be hermetically sealed, and scientifically rigorous, in presenting this `problem`. Base Hardware: System76 laptop with Intel I7 6700HQ cpu, 2.6-3.5 GHz clock, 4 cores, 8 threads, 16GB of memory, and 128GB SSD. Base OS: Linux kernel

Re: Perfecting Nim

2018-04-23 Thread twetzel59
How do you feel about exceptions? I always disliked exceptions in C++ and found comfort in C, which lacks them. Yet, when I found Nim I realized that exceptions aren't so tricky. Perhaps this is because of 2 really important features: * The GC: In C++ you must take extra care to write

Re: Perfecting Nim

2018-04-23 Thread twetzel59
On the topic of `method`: I like the flexibility that it provides. I am not a die-hard OOP programmer - e.g. I prefer a Rust or C style where one uses either custom structures or uses composition. However, without `method` OOP support in Nim would be quite fundamentally limited

cannot call a proc without brackets

2018-04-23 Thread Allosteric
I understand that in Nim, you can call a proc without using brackets. Indeed, the following works fine: write stdout, "a" #== write(stdout, "a") #=>a However, the followings fail. import strutils discard split "A,B,C" ',' #=> Error: invalid

Re: Float should be 32 bit, 2x performance just by changing the defaults

2018-04-23 Thread lightness1024
I work in games middleware and we mostly use float32, that doesn't mean we care about what is the default of an unspecified type. The game industry really dislikes unspecified sizes, and therefore will systematically use an explicitly sized type, which means, Nim's float32. And typedef it to

Re: What is the typedesc inside the compiler?

2018-04-23 Thread slangmgh
Change the code: template create(x: int, T: typedesc): untyped = T(age: x) to: template create(x: int, T: untyped): untyped = T(age: x) All the code of above works!

Re: What is the typedesc inside the compiler?

2018-04-23 Thread slangmgh
Now here is problem how to pass typedesc to template: template create(x: int, T: typedesc): untyped = T(age: x) macro m2(T: typedesc): untyped = let nT = quote do: `T` #Sym "User" let t1 = T.getType()[1] #Sym "User" let t2 =

Re: What is the typedesc inside the compiler?

2018-04-23 Thread slangmgh
The following code is ok: result = newCall("stepTwo", ident("User")) # OK! result = newCall("stepTwo", T.getType) # OK! Now, I know how to pass User as typedesc, but still it is a little confusion about typedesc to me.

Re: Perfecting Nim

2018-04-23 Thread Araq
That's a very good idea but it's not universally applicable, a feature needs to justify its implementation complexity and the training/documentation aspects (a bigger language is harder to teach etc). Also, when I say something like "I want to remove X from Nim" I generally mean to provide a

What is the typedesc inside the compiler?

2018-04-23 Thread slangmgh
When a proc call a macro with typedesc parameter, we can just user the type name, but when we call another macro in the macro and pass the typedesc parameter to it, something is strange, look at the code: type User = object id: int name: string

Re: Perfecting Nim

2018-04-23 Thread cdome
One more idea. Can it be more federated decision? For example: if we have a volunteering maintainer to support a feature and to resolve its reported issues then it will remain. So people instead of theoretical discussion will vote with their time (real asset) instead? I think you will likely

Re: Perfecting Nim

2018-04-23 Thread cdome
Not sure if this was ever discussed so I will throw this idea here: The Nim compiler has very complicated built in type rules for int types handling, to make int, int16, uint types mixable without explicit type conversions. Is is possible move out this logic from compiler into a set of

Re: Why is integer multiplication so slow here?

2018-04-23 Thread sleepyqt
First version 500ms LBB0_1: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 movdqa xmm3, xmm5 movdqa xmm6, xmm5 paddd xmm5, xmmword ptr [__xmm@0008000800080008] add esi, -8 pcmpeqd xmm3, xmm0 pcmpeqd xmm6,

Re: Perfecting Nim

2018-04-23 Thread andrea
Please, leave exceptions there, there are other methods to handle errors, but they are often cumbersome in an imperative language. Bitsets are also really nice, and they play well with the c pattern of using integers for options and combining them with masks, just in a more readabe way. That

Re: Why is integer multiplication so slow here?

2018-04-23 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Hlaaftana, thanks for confirming. I was really tired yesterday and though I was doing something wrong. cdome, your message makes not too much sense for me currently. Indeed I tried using unlikely() for this test, which made no difference, as expected, as automatic branch prediction should work

Re: Perfecting Nim

2018-04-23 Thread tersec
Focusing on the stdlib: hopefully already intended, but removing deprecated modules and procs, as well as `md5` and `asyncftpclient`. `md5` is just an attractive nuisance of a cryptographic hashing algorithm, good enough to look appealing but horridly insecure, and to the extent the stdlib has

Re: Perfecting Nim

2018-04-23 Thread Araq
* `.discardable`, doesn't play nice with Nim's type inference and is rarely useful. * `converter` * `method`, replace it by an interface macro. * enums with holes, replace it by a `distinct` integer type. * `.borrow` as a builtin, should have been a macro. Exceptions are hard to

Re: Perfecting Nim

2018-04-23 Thread carterza
I think interfaces or something akin to them would be much more useful for the language than methods. I don't know how hard this is to implement - that's not why I'm suggesting it - I just don't find methods particularly useful. I don't generally like exceptions - but I've also been told not

Re: Why is integer multiplication so slow here?

2018-04-23 Thread Hlaaftana
On my machine and debug mode `i == 7` takes 12 seconds to run and `i * i == 49` takes 20 seconds. With release mode it was like 1.3 for `i * i == 49` and 0.8 for the other. A little faster than double the speed, which means it's at least faster than `i == -7 or i == 7`. Based on [this online

Why is integer multiplication so slow here?

2018-04-23 Thread Stefan_Salewski
proc main = var s = 0 for i in 0 .. 10: if i * i == 49: #if i == 7: s += 1 echo s main() For this test, using "if i == 7" instead of "if i * i == 49" gives half runtime on my box. This is a bit surprising as multiply is

Re: Is there a way to specify byte order when reading a binary file?

2018-04-23 Thread xomachine
If you are interested in parsing a file of specific format, the [NESM]( library ([docs]( might also be useful for that purpose.

Re: Perfecting Nim

2018-04-23 Thread bpr
> What else would you kill off? * method Nim already has the ability to do OO style polymorphism without **method** , I think for those relatively rare cases that this is useful something other than **method** should be provided, maybe something like Ada 2005 interface types. I thought