2018-05-09 Thread jzakiya
Secifically, in `~/nim-0.18.0/compiler/vmdef.nim` set `MaxLoopIterations* = 1_000_000_000` (1 Billion) then rebuild sysem: `./koch boot -d:release`


2018-05-09 Thread mashingan
This post mentioned that [](


2018-05-09 Thread Hlaaftana
The max instruction number has been increased since 0.18.0, it's gone from 1.5 million to 1 billion. However this release is not out yet


2018-05-09 Thread Jiyan
Hey, wanted to ask whether it is possible to increase the number of possible ctfe iterations. For example: proc f(): int = var c = 0 for i in 0..10: c += 1 return c proc g():int = for i in 0..100: result += f() const

Re: How to get the address of string

2018-05-09 Thread mratsim
This is shorter and a bit more clean in my opinion var a: cstring = "" let a_ptr = cast[ByteAddress](a) echo a_ptr

Re: How to get the address of string ""

2018-05-09 Thread slangmgh
I need to get the pointer, then set the pointer to a struct. So I cannot just use FFI.

Re: Perfecting Nim

2018-05-09 Thread mashingan
+1, mratsim. What I want is convenience and still catering for people who wanted more performance for low level stuff. Convenient and practical.

Re: Perfecting Nim

2018-05-09 Thread mratsim
@aedt I think it's a question of resources. Given the current promising state it would be better to release now, garnering interest and goodwill and probably new hands to help on ironing bugs and use cases that the current tiny community doesn't need in my opinion. Also that allows those with

Re: Perfecting Nim

2018-05-09 Thread aedt
Controversial opinion but I'll just leave it out there because I'm a fan of Nim: Halt Nim 1.0 until Nim 2.0 destructors suggested in []( is standardized. Eventually for systems programming people

Re: Lexers and parsers in nim

2018-05-09 Thread cabhishek
I have been using Nim to write an interpreter for a toy language named "Lox". Its been a fun project so far. [](