Re: LMDB shared across processes

2019-02-17 Thread federico3
@Gregbalfourd I added a multithreaded test to [1] and improved the library a bit. [1] [](

So Noob ,so confused

2019-02-17 Thread IkkiSpyykes
Hi Peeps, I'm very pleased to being checking out this language that you've been growing. The set up procedure is difficult to me. I have 0 unix experience and know basics about cmd line. It gets loaded and then it just sits there. I do run finish and thats all it does; I press on the nim crown

Re: Procedural type and 'func' keyword

2019-02-17 Thread thenjip
Thanks for the reply. func someFunc(f: func(): bool {.nimcall, noSideEffect.}): bool = f() Run This is the workaround I use (nimcall or closure) and it does the job, though a bit repetitive. I forgot to tell the compiler version I used: `0.19.4`.

Re: Screencast Series Ideas

2019-02-17 Thread mratsim
This should be in a separate thread.

Re: Procedural type and 'func' keyword

2019-02-17 Thread mratsim
Seems like a bug func someFunc(f: func(): bool {.nimcall, noSideEffect.}): bool = f() echo someFunc.type() # proc (f: proc (): bool{.noSideEffect.}): bool{.noSideEffect, gcsafe, locks: 0.} Run

Re: len [0, 1, 2] fails

2019-02-17 Thread Araq
There is nothing wrong with `len [0]` vs `len[0]`, it's quite intuitive and even C has `x / *v` vs `x /* v`. Sometimes you have to learn a bit of syntax, big deal.

Re: len [0, 1, 2] fails

2019-02-17 Thread frustratedHacker
Is it a linting tool one way to handle something like this, a tool that gives warnings if a some some syntax is used that doesn't match some personal or company coding preferences or standards?