I like the idea of examples aimed at various use cases: web dev, game dev,
scientific dev etc. It would be good to have this on the front page. If someone
wants to implement that then you have my blessing.
@sirbroadwell thank you for writing this. It's good to spark these kinds of
I think that this is the best solution, and it just so happens to be consistent
other languages (Java and Kotlin come to mind).
import math
echo 2f^2*2.0
You could even do this:
import math
echo 2f^2*2
> However,
To add to _mratsim_ answer, you can also write:
import math
echo 2.0^2 * 2.0
and even:
import math
echo 2.0^2 * 2
In the latter code, the compiler convert 2 to 2.0 as it knows that a float is
expected. So, there is
Nim is statically typed, meaning it checked at compile-time that you are not
mixing apples and oranges unless you specifically allows that.
That is because mixing types (integers and booleans, floats and integers) or
quantities (miles and meters) is a big source of bugs in weakly typed languages
When I was trying to install the software the script loading failed. I have
for the solution of the problem and got to know about it. Please help me to
Be careful, setting an example with a concrete goal helps to imagine how you
can use the language and ease of implementation
The HTTP server is a good example to show it
Moreover, this does not mean in any way that the language can only do
webdev many companies use Crystal for machine learn
After reading this thread the other day I spent some hours building the website
and learning about jekyll/liquid and preparing some code samples that were at
least somewhat varied and that fit into the rather small space the website
gives to the code.
But when I got to the CSS crafting stage, I