Re: Error: unhandled exception: zlib version mismatch! [ZlibStreamError]

2019-05-30 Thread NotFitForPurpose

Re: Future direction of db_* modules

2019-05-30 Thread mikra
Hi JohnAD, there is already an issue open : []( The sqlite3-part is finished - if you like to dive in please take a look at the sqlite3_examples folder of my project. You can "mix" my module with Nim´s (db_s

Future direction of db_* modules

2019-05-30 Thread JohnAD
Currently the database modules (db_mysql, db_postgre, and db_sqlite) all rely on using `nil` to represent NULL when passing data in/out of the module. As most folks know, Nim is moving away from production support of `nil`, so it would be good to make changes to those libraries. I'm happy to hel

Re: rant about shr change

2019-05-30 Thread lscrd
Yes, there is indeed a change in the documentation between 0.19.6 and 0.19.9. Personally, for signed integers I would find more consistent to use an arithmetic shift to the right. With a logical shift, _-2 shr 1_ is equal to 9223372036854775807 on a 64 bits machine which may seem odd. We would r

Re: karax and fontawesome

2019-05-30 Thread dom96
I use fontawesome on this forum (which uses Karax) and it works fine (for example [here]( It's possible that something changed between fontawesome versions or karax versions. Do

Re: Owned refs

2019-05-30 Thread trtt
I hope that by C++'s approach(unique_ptrs) you meant Rust's approach(smart unique pointers) because the former's way is neither safe(allows dangling pointers) nor nice(useless and verbose wrapper) nor efficient(allows leaks, requires extra steps to work with the data). Having a single-alias ref

Re: Future of Nim ?

2019-05-30 Thread trtt
C and most importantly its std lib never really cared about performance, it's just a low-level language with low-level features. If we look at how it manages strings(strlen, strcat etc. hardly better than immutable strings), memory(cost of many mallocs(poorly managed blocks) and how free works)

Re: rant about shr change

2019-05-30 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> I have not been able to reproduce Well, it is very confusing. I looked in 019.9 docs this morning, and indeed it was said that shr behaves as ashr. But example was stlll like shr, and additional a separate ashr was mentioned. So maybe just a bug in docs. Otherwise for sure adrianv would be ri

Re: rant about shr change

2019-05-30 Thread lscrd
I have not been able to reproduce this behavior. On my Manjaro Linux with the last development version (built with _choosenim_ ) _shr_ is a logical right shift, not an arithmetic one. This is also the case with the last stable version. And there is already an arithmetic right shift in the syste

Re: Struggling with writing an iterator

2019-05-30 Thread jyapayne
The problem is that iterators default to being **inline**. This means the compiler transforms the iterator into a block of code that is executed **only when it is in an iteration construct** like a for loop. So in for file in walkDir(datapath / source / $instrument / "Prices"):

Re: Owned refs

2019-05-30 Thread GordonBGood
I read through the document "Ownership You Can Count On" on which this idea is based, and it seems to me that the positive results were pretty nebulous, with memory use just a little bit down compared to as used by GC on the average and performance not all that different at all, with my point be

Re: Future of Nim ?

2019-05-30 Thread cantanima
> Nim probably will never reach 100% of C's speed I have some code where the straightforward Nim code runs faster than the straightforward C code. I haven't figured out why yet, but it's about a 10-15% improvement, and the code strikes me as a straightforward port. While I do want to look into

karax and fontawesome

2019-05-30 Thread domogled
If I use fontawesome in karax app, eamply: tdiv(class = "control has-icons-left"): input(required = "", `type` = "text", class = "input", placeholder = "uživatelské jméno"

Error: unhandled exception: zlib version mismatch! [ZlibStreamError]

2019-05-30 Thread NotFitForPurpose
[CODE] import streams import zip/zlib var FinName = "" var FouName = "" let FinStream = newFilestream( FinName, fmRead ) let FouStream = newFilestream( FouName, fmWrite ) var Uncompressed = readAll( FinStream ) var Compressed = compress( Uncompressed, Uncompressed.len, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRE

rant about shr change

2019-05-30 Thread adrianv
I don't know if I am overreacting, but just realized that Run has changed its meaning from unsigned shit to sign preserving shift. IMHO this breaks a lot of code in a very dangerous way. A more thoughtful solution would have been to introduce a sign preserving operator