Re: GTK 3.20 Nim wrapper

2016-09-25 Thread Simon

Re: How do you install the gtk 3 development libraries and toolchain on Windows 64bit?

2016-09-25 Thread Simon
Hello vonH. First download and install msys2. []( Then open the msys shell and execute pacman -Ss gtk3 in response to get the list of packages mingw-w64-i686-gtk3 - for x32 mingw-w64-x86_64-gtk3 - for x64

Re: GTK 3.20 Nim wrapper

2016-09-10 Thread Simon
About nim-chess. In gtk3.nim and gdk3.nim libgtk-win32-3.0-0.dll libgdk-win32-3.0-0.dll to replace libgtk-3-0.dll libgdk-3-0.dll and additionally execute ln -s ~/ngtk3/nim-cairo/src/cairo_pragma.nim and then chess works.

Re: GTK 3.20 Nim wrapper

2016-09-10 Thread Simon
First of all thank you for your help. Now to answer your questions. > I assume that you are using an 32 bit Nim installation? Yes, but before that I used 64 bit. Differences invisible. > Is the chess game running for you? Yes, a couple of fixes and it worked. If you want I'll write more

Re: GTK 3.20 Nim wrapper

2016-09-08 Thread Simon
Now the problem with NEd: .nim(1796, 14) template/generic instantiation from here c:\nim\lib\system\threads.nim(396, 41) Error: type mismatch: got (int) but expected one of: proc int32(value: GVariant): int32

Re: GTK 3.20 Nim wrapper

2016-08-28 Thread Simon
I get an error when trying to compile board.nim(70, 26) Error: ambiguous call; both gtk3.window(obj: expr) and gdk3.window(object: expr) match for: (Widget) How to fix it?