Re: How to set a specific file as main file in VS Code ?

2020-01-03 Thread bevo009
Tested this working today in settings.json: "code-runner.customCommand": "nim c -r --verbosity:0 --hints:off main.nim", Run ${workspaceFolder} throws an error in Nim for some reason, but you don't need it..

Re: How to set a specific file as main file in VS Code ?

2019-12-27 Thread bevo009
And possibly you could just create a dummy main.nim file that just runs test.nim or whatever named file you want to run always... some nim super-user here should know how to do that. :)

Re: How to set a specific file as main file in VS Code ?

2019-12-27 Thread bevo009
If you have all the files in the same vscode workspace folder, then you could name your 'main' nim file you want to always run, main.nim and set a global coderunner custom command (Ctrl-Alt-K)) in settings.json. My pc with nim on it is dead atm so I can't check or test it, but my laptop has

Re: 1.0.0 is here

2019-09-23 Thread bevo009
Awesome news, thanks Araq & dev team!

Re: Official "Web Playground" + ASM inspector

2019-08-12 Thread bevo009
There's this one also that has a vim mode and run keyboard shortcut, but no syntax colouring: []( included Nim but their included version is old now, 0.17.2. Kind of a waste of time IMO:

Re: What text editor are you using for Nim?

2019-08-03 Thread bevo009
You could map Ctrl-S to :w easily in your .vimrc But Space-W is faster, no holding any keys down Space rules as leader

Re: Nim is showing version 0.19.0 after updating to version 0.19.2

2019-01-01 Thread bevo009
I had a similar issue, a windows install prior to installing choosenim, so after updating with choosenim, nim -v was unchanged. I deleted the old install and their paths and then it showed the choosenim version ok.

Re: Happy New Year! Version 0.19.2 released!

2018-12-31 Thread bevo009
Happy New Year everyone! [my old account wouldn't accept my password reset, so also testing the new forum account :) ]