Re: A good word for idiomatic nim?

2020-05-18 Thread matthias
Nimonic sounds just like mnemonic and if you close one eye and squint a little it actually sort of applies. Otherwise I'm fond of nimsy and nimish.

Re: Is there a 2D game framework recently updated for Nim ?

2019-04-05 Thread matthias
I didn't see nim-csfml when I was checking them out a few weeks ago, but I found []( to be by far the best documented and most extensive of the game frameworks that I reviewed.

Re: Nim vs V language

2019-04-03 Thread matthias
There are right ways and wrong ways of comparing languages. The right way is to treat both of them respectfully and compare them as different approaches and different styles, while still highlighting particular things that each excel at or elaborating on why they made different design

Re: scopes, templates and UFCS

2019-04-03 Thread matthias
The other `dump` is in the sugar module. Since I couldn't see all your code before I wasn't sure if it was coming from there or something you wrote. Either way the effect seems to be the same, glad you got it figured out!

Re: scopes, templates and UFCS

2019-04-03 Thread matthias
I think you pasted the wrong code for charlie.nim. But anyway, it's a limitation of the method call syntax. See [](

Re: Nim vs V language

2019-04-02 Thread matthias
I think he left off the most important comparison: Nim is actually available while V will be "open source mid 2019." I'm really curious about V and applaud what the author is doing, and I am eagerly looking forward to trying Volt when it's a little more stable. The comparison he wrote is is

Re: How I feel about Nim

2019-04-02 Thread matthias
Not OP, but in my brief few months using Nim it's 1\. Non-explicit imports Sure, IDEs can go a long way toward helping with this problem, but if I'm reading code on GitHub I often have no idea where a proc is coming from. This makes it extremely difficult to trace how the code functions