Re: Norm 2.0.0

2020-07-10 Thread moigagoo
I do find this syntax nice but the problem is it doesn't work 😩 I'm not sure why but dup had trouble working inside macros. Maybe because it's a macro itself and the macro resolution algorithm works in such a way that by the time outer macro is resolved the inner one is not, so we're getting a

Re: Norm 2.0.0

2020-06-28 Thread moigagoo
@reneha @cumulonimbus Added an issue, feel free to discuss there: [](

Re: Norm 2.0.0

2020-06-26 Thread moigagoo
Where would you store it? In the Model type? Or in a separate global variable?

Re: Norm 2.0.0

2020-06-26 Thread moigagoo
You are right, update is a far from optimal operation in the current implementation. In fact, it's even worse than you've described, because all related objects are updated too. So for a single object, not only all its columns are updated but also all columns of all its related objects even if

Re: Norm 2.0.0

2020-06-25 Thread moigagoo
That almost made me cry :-) Thanks, it means a lot, really does 🙏 Did you have a chance to try out the new version? > (And if you want a challenge, help us transition the NimForum to using Norm > :D) First, I need to update Norman, that's essential. But when I'm done, this sounds like a fun ch

Re: Norm 2.0.0

2020-06-24 Thread moigagoo
> I can imagine migrations that don't change the schema. Data migrations can be done with `select` and `update`. Although data migrations are generally unwanted.

Re: Norm 2.0.0

2020-06-24 Thread moigagoo
> I'm not sure about the removal of migrations though, that will make it very > hard to create any libraries/"plugins" as there won't be a standardized way > of moving between versions. You still can run migrations, you just write them in pure SQL. Migrations are hard. Even if we take the most

Re: Norm 2.0.0

2020-06-24 Thread moigagoo
> it is helpful to have a tracking of which schema is in the database and which > one is expected by the code. [Norman]( is a migration manager for Norm. It lets you apply and undo migrations, preserving order. I have to update it for Norm 2, possib

Re: Norm 2.0.0

2020-06-24 Thread moigagoo
> Doesn't this just waste performance creating a duplicate object that's going > to be discarded? To insert a row, you must first instantiate a model to hold the data for that row. So, either way, you're creating an object, you can't avoid that. The problem is that sometimes you don't care abou

Re: Norm 2.0.0

2020-06-23 Thread moigagoo
Lessons learned: 1\. **Instances over typedescs.** With Norm 1, I inspected typedescs to generate SQL queries. To do that, I had to implement an intermediate representation layer for object definitions. This gave me more or less simple API to inspect and modify object definitions at compile tim

Norm 2.0.0

2020-06-22 Thread moigagoo
ml). And just to give you the taste of the new, Nim 1.2.0-driven API, here's how you filter and update rows (taken from [tsqlitesugar.nim]( discard @[newToy()].dup:"pri

Re: Nimble Directory Redesign

2020-06-12 Thread moigagoo
Hey, I see the new design had been released! Looks great, thanks! 🙌

Re: Nimble Directory Redesign

2020-06-06 Thread moigagoo
Just want to say thank you for developing and maintaining Nimble directory. Use it all the time. 🙏

Re: Change Nim colour on GitHub

2020-05-27 Thread moigagoo
I think yellow is the way to go, just gotta find a different shade that passes the proximity test. Maybe more orange would do.

Get pragma value from object fields

2020-05-18 Thread moigagoo
What's the best way to get a pragma value for each object field? We have getCustomPragmaVal which accepts untyped. We also have fieldPairs which returns field names as strings. But there's no way to call getCustomPragmaVal knowing only the field name. The best solution I came up with is macro d

Re: A good word for idiomatic nim?

2020-05-12 Thread moigagoo

Re: Unicode support for Windows 10 console

2020-05-05 Thread moigagoo
You're discovering new platforms I see :-)

Re: Javascript browser backend: cannot include more than a single nim compiled source ?

2020-05-02 Thread moigagoo
Try using webpack to ship your Nim modules: [](

Re: Finally, I can do functional programming on tiny embedded systems

2020-04-21 Thread moigagoo
Or having a talk at the upcoming online Nim conference.

Re: Idea: Nim Online Conference

2020-04-18 Thread moigagoo
I have a topic request: practical hot code reloading. So far, I couldn't make it work for backend or frontend code. Not that I spent too much time trying, but I believe it should just work. If someone could show how to make it just work on a simple but practical example, that would be great.

Re: Where can I deploy a Nim web application? Is there a "NimAnywhere" yet?

2020-04-09 Thread moigagoo
For frontend, Karax is the way to go. For backend, there are at least Jester and Rosencrantz. There's no Nim-sponsored hosting solution, you can pick anyone you like. I used to use Zeit when they offered Docker deployments. People say Heroku is nice.s

Re: Custom default for type

2020-04-02 Thread moigagoo
Thanks for the clarification! I always thought the RFC was about the fancy syntax for default values, not the fundamental ability to set them; that I assumed had been possible somehow. Oh well, I'll use an explicit init proc then.

Custom default for type

2020-04-02 Thread moigagoo
Hi! How do I set a default value for a type that doesn't have any? For example, an object or DateTime? I know there's `default` proc that gets the default value for a given type but I couldn't figure out how to use it.

Re: Idea: Nim Online Conference

2020-04-01 Thread moigagoo
I truly believe this is a fantastic idea, and we should make it happen. However, it seems like the thread stagnated. @Araq @dom96 maybe announce this in an official blog post?

Re: Idea: Nim Online Conference

2020-03-30 Thread moigagoo
Replaced the heading with bold text :-) Sure, Google Form is nice. Maybe, a Google Spreadsheet would do too.

Re: Idea: Nim Online Conference

2020-03-30 Thread moigagoo
I suggest we list topics in this thread in the format: Title = Run Brief description. One post—one topic. Votes for talks is done with ❤. I'll start by reformatting my own post.

Re: Idea: Nim Online Conference

2020-03-30 Thread moigagoo
Such a great idea, Andreas! I would like to showcase Nim for web with a complete chat example. I've done this talk at a local frontend conference, and it went pretty well, despite me failing to run the app at the end (I promise to fix it this time 😀). I'll cover Karax, WebSockets, and JS FFI.

Re: Introducing Norm: a Nim ORM

2020-03-12 Thread moigagoo
I'm proud to announce the first release of **Norman** , the migration manager for Norm: []( With Norman, you can keep your DB config separate from the models in a project config and generate, apply and un

Re: Why does `setCommand` exist?

2020-03-06 Thread moigagoo
No, these are completely different. The first one runs `nim js`, the second one `nim c -d:js`.

Re: Nim Compiling to js

2020-02-18 Thread moigagoo
To compile Nim to JS, run `nim js myfile.nim`, simple as that. To use modules from npm, use jsffi module ([]( and Webpack with Nim loader ([](\)).

Re: Another micro web framework Prologue

2020-02-16 Thread moigagoo
I have a vision of Norm evolving to a compete framework someday. The ORM is there, the migration manager is underway, we can then add a GraphQL wrapper around Norm and add a layer for easy websocket communication between Karax frontend and e.g. Jester or Rosencrantz backend.

Re: Is it possible to see sql executed?

2020-02-15 Thread moigagoo
If you use Norm, you can use logging module to log all generated queries, just add import logging; addHandler newConsoleLogger()

Re: IntelliJ / Netbeans plugin for Nim

2020-02-14 Thread moigagoo
I'm using it with Sublime Text. It more or less works, but there's one really nasty issue: it won't see my local modules. So, I'm having a ton of errors all the time.

Re: Error compiling Rosencrantz with --gc:arc

2020-02-09 Thread moigagoo
Try completely removing your installation and installing Nim with choosenim. It will show what needs to be added to PATH during installation.

Re: How do I extract a particular block from an external module?

2020-02-04 Thread moigagoo
Thanks! This is exactly what I was looking for. I wish there was a way to mark the thread resolved.

Re: How do I extract a particular block from an external module?

2020-02-04 Thread moigagoo
The proposed solution works even without the intermediate template. If the arg type is typed then the content of the included file is passed to the macro and not the include statement. However, there's still a problem with it. If the included module contains macros, they are expanded before bei

Re: How do I extract a particular block from an external module?

2020-02-04 Thread moigagoo
Now I'm even more confused. Tried this simple code: import macros macro foo(body: untyped): untyped = echo treeRepr body foo: var x = 123 Run This won't print anything to stdout. I could swear it should print the tree representation of `

Re: How do I extract a particular block from an external module?

2020-02-04 Thread moigagoo
Thanks for the tip! This won't compile unfortunately: Error: unhandled exception: 'ident' is not accessible using discriminant 'kind' of type 'TNode' [FieldError]

Re: Nimble install local package.

2020-02-04 Thread moigagoo
You don't install nimble files, you install packages. Nimble file is just meta for a package. So downloading the file alone won't do. When you've cloned the repo, you can run either nimble install` or `nimble develop in the repo folder to install the package or install in development mode respe

How do I extract a particular block from an external module?

2020-02-04 Thread moigagoo
I need to find a db block in a module and copy it entirely to a new file. So, I basically need a way to pass a module's code to a macro where I'll iterate over its nodes to find the necessary one. So far, I haven't found a way do so. Naïve attempts like this one don't work, since I'm getting th

Re: Introducing --gc:arc

2020-01-31 Thread moigagoo
Despite my fears, the entire Norm test suite runs in Nim devel with --gc:arc! To make it happen, only [a few minor code changes]( were necessary. The future is now 😎

Re: Introducing Norm: a Nim ORM

2020-01-31 Thread moigagoo
ws you to use one connection for reading and another for writing. > Did you think, open several connections You mean connection pool? There's an [open issue]( for it, but I'm not planning on taking on it any time soon. I plan to focus on

Re: Overloaded proc dispatch won't work with object type

2020-01-30 Thread moigagoo
d proc: []( Will report the issue to Nim.

Overloaded proc dispatch won't work with object type

2020-01-30 Thread moigagoo
Hi! I've got this weird behavior with overloading, could anyone please advise if it's a bug? INim 0.4.1 Nim Compiler Version 1.0.6 [Windows: amd64] at C:\Users\moigagoo\.nimble\bin\nim.exe nim> proc foo(x: object): int = x.i*2 nim> proc foo(x: var

Re: Introducing Norm: a Nim ORM

2020-01-30 Thread moigagoo
It is my great pleasure to announce Norm version 1.1.0 release: []( The biggest change addition are the procs to write migrations. With those in place, I can focus on writing a migration manager that wil

Docgen is underdocumented, requesting assistance

2020-01-24 Thread moigagoo
call `nim rst2html`. 3\. Why is a submodule ignored by `nim doc`` command? ``sqlite`` folder is generated but ``postgres` is not, although they both exist in the code: [](

Re: Introducing --gc:arc

2019-12-25 Thread moigagoo
First, congrats! Seems like an important milestone, even if there's much to be done ahead. Second, what does arc in Nim mean for us mortals? Will compiling or running programs become faster? Will we have to use a different mechanism to get type information now that typeinfo is unavailable with

Re: indentation

2019-12-14 Thread moigagoo
What font are you using?

Re: when to use 'ref object' vs plain 'object'

2019-11-20 Thread moigagoo
Why does the second variant work when there's now `new` call? Shouldn't we see an illegal storage access error?

Re: Karax Components

2019-11-19 Thread moigagoo
Could you please elaborate? How to I store state of a VComponent and access it from other components?

Re: Karax Components

2019-11-18 Thread moigagoo
Thanks for the sample! Do you use this xName naming convention to make procs look more like types? Makes sense, just clarifying. Also, how would you handle state in your app model?

Karax Components

2019-11-18 Thread moigagoo
I've tried exploring component-based architecture in Karax once: []( However, I now see there is VCompoment type in Karax and there are examples/tests that demonstrate its usage. Is this the official way to h

Re: Jester performance on FreeBSD is 1/10 of that on Linux

2019-11-14 Thread moigagoo
Could this be because Jester uses HttpBeast in Linux and builtin server on FreeBSD?

Re: Nim Podcast

2019-10-23 Thread moigagoo
Well I have the raw recordings somewhere on OneDrive. I can share a link if you want. Podcast is a great idea but I underestimated how much time and effort it requires.

Re: Introducing Norm: a Nim ORM

2019-10-06 Thread moigagoo
I just want to clarify that there's no problem with plain Datetime, m just init it explicitly like I do in tests and norm-sample-webapp. It's none Datetime that is the real issue.

Re: Introducing Norm: a Nim ORM

2019-10-05 Thread moigagoo
What are the types of your model fields? I'm getting these warnings when using Option[Datetime] because Datetime doesn't have a default value. To make things worse, you can't solve it even with manual initialization: `none Datetime` still doesn't initialize a Datetime object which throws the war

Re: Lambdas?

2019-09-28 Thread moigagoo
to install GCC and wget manually: [](

Re: Nim source size

2019-09-27 Thread moigagoo
Base images for Ubuntu and Alpine don't include GCC ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Re: Nim source size

2019-09-27 Thread moigagoo
These 19 MB probably don't include GCC and git and curl and other packages necessary to build Nim.

Re: Nim source size

2019-09-27 Thread moigagoo
Turns out, you can't remove the docs: /nim/compiler/commands.nim(61, 16) Error: cannot open file: ../doc/basicopt.txt Run

Re: Nim source size

2019-09-27 Thread moigagoo
Removed `c_code` from the Docker images, which got them **almost three times** thinner, from 1.3 GB to 527 MB. Thanks, @charlieH!

Re: Nim source size

2019-09-27 Thread moigagoo
If you find a way to reduce the installment size, please consider contributing to the Docker images at moigagoo/nimage.

Re: Compiling?

2019-09-24 Thread moigagoo
Nim only does the Nim code to C | C++ | JS code transformation. C | C++ to binary is done by a C | C++ compiler.

Re: 1.0.0 is here

2019-09-24 Thread moigagoo
Updated the Docker images: [](

Re: nim cannot reference libraries installed with nimble.

2019-09-20 Thread moigagoo
You probably haven't added nimble packages dir to your PATH. Also, you should install Nim with choose I'm. Scoop is awesome, but choosenim is the way to go these days.

Re: Why do I get table implementation instead of the table during compile time?

2019-09-12 Thread moigagoo
Just to clarify. It's not that repr/$ shows the wrong thing, it's that some “high level” types are being implicitly replaced with “lower level” types during compilation. And these replacements effectively disregard arg types in proc signatures. Like, even if you have an arg of type seq[SqlQuery

Re: Why do I get table implementation instead of the table during compile time?

2019-09-12 Thread moigagoo
It turns our other types are not passed as I expected too. SqlQuery is passed as string, which conforms to what @jlp765 said about reprs.

Re: Why do I get table implementation instead of the table during compile time?

2019-09-12 Thread moigagoo
Weirdly, if I move the proc that generates the table to the same module with db macro definition, the table is passed properly. I'm completely lost at this point. Also, including the module with the proc definition instead of importing it helps (but feels like a dirty hack).

Re: Why do I get table implementation instead of the table during compile time?

2019-09-12 Thread moigagoo
> debugEcho is showing you the table repr debugInfo shows different things when called in different places. When called at the end of the proc that returns the table, it prints the table properly. When called downstream on the called proc result, it prints the implementation details. So, even i

Why do I get table implementation instead of the table during compile time?

2019-09-11 Thread moigagoo
Hi! In Norm, I'm parsing type section at compile time and generate the db schema from it. Currently, a seq[SqlQuery] is generated with code like this: proc genTableSchema(dbObjRepr: ObjRepr, dbObjReprs: openArray[ObjRepr]): SqlQuery = ## Generate table schema for an object re

Re: How does the pass statement differ from python?

2019-09-06 Thread moigagoo
Nim's `pass` is called `discard`.

Re: Introducing Norm: a Nim ORM

2019-09-06 Thread moigagoo
In Norm 1.0.15 (released just now), you can split DC schema definition across multiple modules. In order to do that. wrap the type section you want to use in schema in `dbTypes`` macro and use ``dbFromTypes`` instead of ``db`. See example in the docs (scroll down to “Alternatively to defining..

Re: Introducing Norm: a Nim ORM

2019-09-04 Thread moigagoo
Here's a PR I'm developing this feature in: []( Feel free to comment.

Re: Introducing Norm: a Nim ORM

2019-09-01 Thread moigagoo
Sorry, I don't think I follow your point. Could you please try to illustrate it with some examples? Or we could connect directly and chat about it in Russian if you want.

Re: Introducing Norm: a Nim ORM

2019-09-01 Thread moigagoo
It turned out to be trickier than I thought. The thing is, we're injecting id field into every type definition under db macro. This is necessary so that we can safely rely on objects having ids, which is necessary for getOne. If we're allowing to define types separately from db macro, we can't j

Re: Should I include translated sources into version control?

2019-08-31 Thread moigagoo
No, you shouldn't.

Re: Introducing Norm: a Nim ORM

2019-08-29 Thread moigagoo
There's an open PR that implements dbAddObject proc that allows to add type definitions from different module to the global model definition. This may be the thing that could help you: define types in modules as you'd normally do, then glue them together in models.nim module. I'll try to implem

Re: How to write static function inside a type?????

2019-08-29 Thread moigagoo
You probably mean a static method of a class, like Python @staticmethod decorated methods. In Nim, methods are just functions called with dot syntax. And static methods are just functions that don't do anything with their object argument. What are you trying to achieve? Python and Nim are diffe

Re: Back to Nim vs V

2019-08-22 Thread moigagoo
OP sounds like a professional offendee. Surely the term "fascism" was used in a broader sense than you're sticking to. Replace it with "totalitarianism" if you feel better this way. Anyway, that’s cheap word picking irrelevant to the topic discussed. I believe the thread should be removed, and

Re: Introducing Norm: a Nim ORM

2019-08-21 Thread moigagoo
timestamps, and in PostgreSQL native TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE is used. Changelog: []( As before, you are free to use a custom parser and formatter for any type. These are just sane

Re: timezone in unit tests

2019-07-13 Thread moigagoo
Use times.format with explicitly defined time zone or, which I think is better, store everything in UTC and ensure that by calling times.utc.

Re: karax navigation / redirect

2019-07-07 Thread moigagoo
Although I am Russian and can understand what you're saying, please keep it English on this forum. Rules are rules, and it's our responsibility as community members to keep the information universally available to everyone. Dominik is Polish and Andreas is German but they write and speak English

Re: karax navigation / redirect

2019-07-06 Thread moigagoo
In general, you don't change the state of the page with redirects in SPAS. You just render the needed state and update the URL.

Re: optional params before `untyped` body

2019-06-26 Thread moigagoo
I am so interested in knowing the answer to this one. Couldn't find a way to do that, had to use overloading. Works fine but feel like a hack rather than an idiomatic solution.

Re: Sponsors page bugged?

2019-06-16 Thread moigagoo
I agree. Doesn't look right despite being technically valid.

Re: Introducing Norm: a Nim ORM

2019-06-15 Thread moigagoo
I have some great news: Norm 1.0.11 supports inserting and retrieving NULL values for SQLite databases. This was made possible thanks to the great [ndb]( module. The transition from std db_sqlite to ndb/sqlite was really smooth. I can't wait to see ndb replace al

Re: Nim v0.20.0 is here (1.0 RC)

2019-06-06 Thread moigagoo
I've uploaded a new kind of Docker image to the Hub, based on choosenim instead of manually built binaries: []( So, if you need an image for Nim 0.20.0 and

Re: How to set toolchains for cross compilation?

2019-05-14 Thread moigagoo
WSL provides a nice convenient way to compile on Linux.

Re: Nim v0.19.6 released

2019-05-14 Thread moigagoo
Updated Docker images: [](

Re: Introducing Norm: a Nim ORM

2019-05-10 Thread moigagoo
support safe value substitution when constructing queries, so you can safely pass user-provided data to it. There's a breaking change: instead of `where` and `orderBy`, we now have a single `cond` arg. Feel free to use, report issues, and contribute: [](

Re: nimpretty non installed by choosenim stable

2019-04-16 Thread moigagoo
> Nimpretty does ship with Nim. No it's not: $ wget $ unzip $ ls nim-0.19.4/bin/*.exe nim-0.19.4/bin/nim.exe* nim-0.19.4/bin/nimble.exe* nim-0.19.4/bin/nimgrab.exe* nim-0.19.4/bin/nimgrep.exe* nim-0

Re: nimpretty non installed by choosenim stable

2019-04-14 Thread moigagoo
On a separate note, Nim itself could ship with nimpretty since its already in the same repo anyway. This idea was dismissed in favor of moving nimpretty into a separate nimble package but that necer happened. And if that's the plan, than why aren't we following the same decision for choosenim?

Re: nimpretty non installed by choosenim stable

2019-04-13 Thread moigagoo
What glibc version is required? Should both Linux and Windows versions be built with it?

Re: nimpretty non installed by choosenim stable

2019-04-12 Thread moigagoo
Automated builds are great but I can't see how we can set up them fast, especially Windows builds. However, I can compile Windows and Linux 32 and 64 bit versions right now and upload them to the repo. If someone could compile an OSX build, we could call it a release and think about automating

Re: nimpretty non installed by choosenim stable

2019-04-12 Thread moigagoo
Also, it seems that Linux and OSX builds are already automated by Travis: []( Does that mean that only Windows builds are missing?

Re: nimpretty non installed by choosenim stable

2019-04-11 Thread moigagoo
Can I help? Are there pending PRs to be reviewed that you want included in the new release? Maybe, critical issues?

Re: nimpretty non installed by choosenim stable

2019-04-11 Thread moigagoo
What's blocking a new choosenim release?

Re: getch() vs Cyrillic on Windows.

2019-04-03 Thread moigagoo
Hi! No need to get aggressive :-) There are bugs out there, no doubt about that. Any help reporting and fixing them is very much appreciated. Could you please [report the issue](

Re: Introducing Norm: a Nim ORM

2019-03-06 Thread moigagoo
Thanks for the idea! Sounds easy to implement. How do I store NULLs in an object though? Maybe, allow fields to be nil besides their own type?

Re: Introducing Norm: a Nim ORM

2019-03-04 Thread moigagoo
Thanks for the links! I didn't know about nim_sqlbuilder, I may switch to it instead of using my own `rowutils` module.

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