Re: Concepts syntax and interfaces - declarative vs procedural

2018-08-08 Thread andrea
I don't think it is a good idea to be explicit about `<` being a proc. For me concepts are about (static) duck typing: if it supports `<`, then it satisfies the concept. This is good, because I will want to call `<` on members of the type. I see concepts as a promise that the code I write next

Re: Concepts syntax and interfaces - declarative vs procedural

2018-08-07 Thread dom96
I don't think my proposal is just about the syntax, the underlying semantics change significantly. As I've mentioned, the specification becomes more concrete and less prone to surprises, i.e. _semantically_ concepts become simpler.

Re: Concepts syntax and interfaces - declarative vs procedural

2018-08-07 Thread boia01
@cdunn2001 I just replied to your other thread about concepts. I'm not seeing the issue you were mentioning. [](

Re: Concepts syntax and interfaces - declarative vs procedural

2018-08-07 Thread zahary
@arnetheduck, regarding run-time polymorphism, there is a planned feature called "VTable types". You can read the spec here:

Re: Concepts syntax and interfaces - declarative vs procedural

2018-08-07 Thread zahary
@cdome, there is simple way to ensure that your type conforms to a concept. After defining the type and all its procs, put a static assert near the end of the module: static: assert Foo is SomeConcept Run Future versions of Nim will produce a nice error message

Re: Concepts syntax and interfaces - declarative vs procedural

2018-08-07 Thread zahary
The concept syntax has been discussed already ad nauseam. The current syntax is inspired by the ConceptsLite proposal that will eventually make its way into C++, so in a distant future it should be familiar to a lot of people. Considering that the concept definitions will be roughly 0.0005% of

Re: Concepts syntax and interfaces - declarative vs procedural

2018-08-07 Thread Araq
Well but we can tweak the semantics endlessly to make it fit ever more varying concept descriptions we might want to write, but we will be stuck with the syntax. It's not foolish to strive for a good syntax.

Re: Concepts syntax and interfaces - declarative vs procedural

2018-08-07 Thread cdunn2001
The problem with `concept` is that it doesn't work with `seq[C]`. If you're not aware of that, you can spend a huge amount of time debugging. After you're aware, you have to modify your API in potentially difficult ways. Other than that, I think they're awesome. Not kidding. I love the syntax.

Re: Concepts syntax and interfaces - declarative vs procedural

2018-08-07 Thread cdome
IMO, Concept syntax is great from the user perspective. It clearly describes what concept can do. From the implementer pointer of view it look like it is far too easy to miss concept requirement and you are not sure while writing the code you are matching the concept or not. I don't think what

Re: Concepts syntax and interfaces - declarative vs procedural

2018-08-07 Thread andrea
Agreed with GULPF: the imperative syntax of concepts makes it more suited to some kind of duck typing. Moreover, I find type Comparable = concept x, y (x < y) is bool Run simpler than type Comparable[T] = concept proc `<`(x,

Re: Concepts syntax and interfaces - declarative vs procedural

2018-08-07 Thread GULPF
IMO there are good reasons for the current syntax. What if < is implemented with a template? What if it has a third argument with a default value? What if only `<`(x, y: int): bool` exists, but there's a converter for `T` -> `int`? Since Nim has so much flexibility in how to implement things,

Re: Concepts syntax and interfaces - declarative vs procedural

2018-08-06 Thread dom96
Personally I would prefer to simplify the concept syntax. >From the current syntax: type Comparable = concept x, y (x < y) is bool Run To something like: type Comparable[T] = concept proc `<`(x, y: T): bool Run

Concepts syntax and interfaces - declarative vs procedural

2018-08-06 Thread arnetheduck
I'm looking at an issue that proposes using concepts to enforce a simple interface - []( \- and find myself thinking that the syntax is very odd; an interface is declared up-front to be