Gedit syntax highlighting.

2020-02-27 Thread Divy
Ubuntu's inbuilt text editor Gedit is quite good for quick coding. I use the Python 3 highlighting for Nim but it would be good if we have one for Nim too. Or, is it already there?

Re: Gedit syntax highlighting.

2020-02-28 Thread dom96
yes, it can. You "just" need to get it into gedit's source code, send them a patch.

Re: Gedit syntax highlighting.

2020-02-28 Thread Divy
Oh well, that "shouldn't" be hard? lol

Re: Gedit syntax highlighting.

2020-03-14 Thread adnan
I opened an issue in their repository but I am skeptical about them using the .lang file, considering it's gtksourceview 2, which is a little bit outdated. [](

Re: Gedit syntax highlighting.

2020-03-14 Thread Stefan_Salewski
> I am skeptical I am skeptical too -- why should they care when people not even care to ship an up to date file? A never file is available here: []( But it is old too, its from 2016. Was working well with GTK3 gedit un

Re: Gedit syntax highlighting.

2020-03-14 Thread adnan
Hmm turns out they want committed contributors who are willing to maintain the .lang file. Which is honestly a fair ask, but I personally think contributing to the Nim language server is more useful. Not sure if the gtksourceview based editors play very well with it though.

Re: Gedit syntax highlighting.

2020-03-15 Thread Stefan_Salewski
No, the gtksourceview based editors Gedit, Aporia and NEd are really no recommendation for Nim. Aporia was GTK2 only and has not been updated in the last 4 years, Gedit has no Nim support at all, and NEd was written only as a plain test for oldgtk3. And gtksourceview itself -- well no one has re