Just some personal feelings on what I'm actually doing when I'm working with 
Python and Nim:



Python is no doubt quick to write, but debugging is very painful even with 
various powerful testing and debugging tools. Nim requires me to think a lot 
about how to design my code, probably due to the almighty macro system. I 
seldom doing more than `echo` in debugging. When it compiles, I'm almost 
confident it's basically correct.

I'd say designing and writing code are the most interesting parts of 
programming. The next in line is googling language features. I think nobody 
want to spend a whole day (or week) writing tests or debugging. So it's clear 
which of the two languages is my preference.

And C BTW. I don't write a lot of C code, but It's hard to forget all those 
time I spent with GDB.


The pie charts don't show total amount of time required to achieve the same 
functionality, or expressiveness, or speed, so again they are just personal 
feelings and have nothing to do with language rankings.

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