The Nim Language Manual

2019-03-29 Thread Sebastian_Adil
>From "nim-doc.deb" package, I converted: HTML -> Asciidoctor -> Asciidoctor-pdf(in terminal) -> PDF and I get a nice PDF book

Re: The Nim Language Manual

2017-07-11 Thread Hongdiep
Hi Drifter! I've read what you share about how to download .ODT and .PDF. Morever, you also have the creative ways it are very good. I have downloaded it and i like it . Thank you

Re: The Nim Language Manual

2017-06-29 Thread stisa
@oyster : the source is [text files]( (they are actually rst) which you can convert to pdf with `koch pdf`, it does rst->latex->pdf If you want a prebuilt version, I built the pdf some time ago:

Re: The Nim Language Manual

2017-06-29 Thread oyster
so what is the source file for []( I looked into the nim's source but only found pure txt file