Hey, all.

I'm using nmh 1.0.4 on Mac OS X, and I'm trying to duplicate the
functionality I had on my Linux box. I'm using fetchmail 5.8.17 and
procmail 3.21 and somewhere along the lines, something is
different. Now any messages that come in and get delivered with
rcvstore have '^M' at the ends of the lines, and it messes up scan,
show, repl, forw, etc. 

The only thing I've seen so far is that fetchmail has this when I run
fetchmail --version:

  Carriage-return stripping is disabled (stripcr off).
  Carriage-return forcing is disabled (forcecr off).

Might this be the cause?

Sorry to bring in a bunch of non-nmh variables. I thought someone
might have a similar setup...


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