On Wed, 29 Jul 2020 11:02:49 -0400 Ken Hornstein sez:
> >As a user who _barely_ uses more than the basic features of NMH,
> >I was completely unaware of all this. (That is my fault, of
> >course. B-) The SYNOPSIS section does not show that "-use"
> >optionally takes an argument.
> Well, so,
>As a user who _barely_ uses more than the basic features of NMH,
>I was completely unaware of all this. (That is my fault, of
>course. B-) The SYNOPSIS section does not show that "-use"
>optionally takes an argument.
Well, so, here's the thing ... -use doesn't actually take an optional
se the "-file" option; like I said "reinventing the wheel." B-)
I just tried it with an argument, and it appears comp(1) treats
that like a message number or list:
$ scan +inbox 4
4+ 20/07/28 Ken Hornstein Re: comp man page<<>There is a nice
>There is a nice feature for comp that I can't find in its man page. If the
>user's ~/.mh_profile has a Draft-folder: entry (I don't know what happens if
>it doesn't.) then if comp has a "-use" flag, comp takes on optional
>argument: A message number in the folder designated by ~/.mh_profile from
There is a nice feature for comp that I can't find in its man page. If the
user's ~/.mh_profile has a Draft-folder: entry (I don't know what happens if
it doesn't.) then if comp has a "-use" flag, comp takes on optional
argument: A message number in the folder designated by ~/.mh_profile from