Below is corrected json.
in node, I just want to be able to send onwardTrips.tripId
even something as simple as this, not being rendered in the view.
getTrips: function getTrips(req, res, next){
var url =
I have following json. At first I need to get the tripId, fromCity, toCity.
Then based on tripId I need to get pickupPointDetails and
dropoffPointDetails. Please help me do this, I m very new to json and node
js and I need to get this done and its already taken so long and still i
havent found
> HI
I have received the following json. Now i want to iterate it and send it to
the view. I need
ickupPointDetails object
ropoffPointDetails object
since they are at different levels i dont know how to segment them and send
it to view.
HI i have following complex objects no i need to map it accordingly so that i
can display it in the view. please help me solve this.
i'm able to get the following in the view but haven't been able to get tripId,
I want to send it separately so that i can render in view easily.
HI can anyone help me use this json sent from rest api, i have gotten the json
but i dont know how to use it and send it to view.
"onwardTrips": [
"tripId": "1285702",
"fromCity": "Singapore",
"busType": "Executive",
"pickupPointDetails": [
HI i have made the changes but still dont seem to find the solution.Below
are the changed codes, looks like server is not sending response to the
ajax call.
getDestinationCities: function getDestinationCities(req, res, next){
console.log('source city id ' + req.body.selectsour
hi ravi,
sorry that's exactly i dont want to do. I just want to populate the sever
sent json in a select option. How can I do it, just pasted some code from
web thinking i might achieve it.
in the console, it keeps pending for server response.
Job Board:
I'm trying to fetch json from ajax request from server and send it back to
view on selct option change. Please help me with this. I'm not able to
retrieve json sent from server.
Ihave been stuck in this for really really long. Please help me clean the
code, i'm very new to jquery
i need to make ajax call on option change of for first select value and
display second select option based on the value select from first select
option and update second select option with json value sent from server.
.jade file
form.form-horizontal(id="createDealForm", accept-charset="UTF-8",
Thank you very much , it worked.
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API rest is sending following json, I'm not being able to read it, I need
to match ID as seen below say 95 for which array of city needs to be shown.
Please help me do it.
[ { cityId: 78, cityName: 'Kuala Kangsar' },
{ cityId: 94, cityName: 'Tanjung Malim' },
{ cityId: 1, cit
I have following query which is giving me what I want
'START user=node({userId}), other=node({otherId})',
'MATCH (user) -[rels?]-> (other)',
'RETURN rels'
but I'm unable to access the object it send.I need following high
lightened object which I have no idea to access.Object is inspe
Following codes doesnt render view.Please help thanks! probably mistakes
with callbacks
routes handleRequest url set in another file. http request is
profile = require(routes/profile.js);
app.get(/profile/:uid, profile.handelRequest)
function handleRequest(req, res, next)
User.relsCheck(usernodes, function (err, rels) {
if (!err && rels) {
console.log('relationship ' + JSON.stringify(rels));
callback(null, new rels);
} else {
callback(err || new Error('friend request exists'));
User.relsCheck = func
Here is I have done, but I'm getting {rel : null} for everyuser. I just
want to return relationship between two nodes if it exists which are two
User.checkRelationship = function (user, fid, callback) {
var uids = [user.uid, fid];, User.by_uid, function (err, usernode
I'm working on an application which requires me to connect to a google
account and extract contact address from that email account.I would be more
than glad to know the process . I'm trying to do this using
google-api-nodejs-client but cannot find detailed documents on its usage
also note that
16 matches
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