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class="el_package">org.apache.commons.csv</a> &gt; <span 
 ava</h1><pre class="source lang-java linenums">/*
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the &quot;License&quot;); you may not use this file except in compliance 
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an &quot;AS IS&quot; BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.commons.csv;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Map.Entry;
+ * A CSV record parsed from a CSV file.
+ *
+ * @version $Id: 1727809 2016-01-31 13:08:33Z sebb $
+ */
+public final class CSVRecord implements Serializable, Iterable&lt;String&gt; {
+<span class="fc" id="L35">    private static final String[] EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY 
= new String[0];</span>
+    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+    private final long characterPosition;
+    /** The accumulated comments (if any) */
+    private final String comment;
+    /** The column name to index mapping. */
+    private final Map&lt;String, Integer&gt; mapping;
+    /** The record number. */
+    private final long recordNumber;
+    /** The values of the record */
+    private final String[] values;
+    CSVRecord(final String[] values, final Map&lt;String, Integer&gt; mapping, 
final String comment, final long recordNumber,
+<span class="fc" id="L54">            final long characterPosition) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L55">        this.recordNumber = recordNumber;</span>
+<span class="pc bpc" id="L56" title="1 of 2 branches missed.">        
this.values = values != null ? values : EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L57">        this.mapping = mapping;</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L58">        this.comment = comment;</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L59">        this.characterPosition = 
+<span class="fc" id="L60">    }</span>
+    /**
+     * Returns a value by {@link Enum}.
+     *
+     * @param e
+     *            an enum
+     * @return the String at the given enum String
+     */
+    public String get(final Enum&lt;?&gt; e) {
+<span class="nc" id="L70">        return get(e.toString());</span>
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns a value by index.
+     *
+     * @param i
+     *            a column index (0-based)
+     * @return the String at the given index
+     */
+    public String get(final int i) {
+<span class="fc" id="L81">        return values[i];</span>
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns a value by name.
+     *
+     * @param name
+     *            the name of the column to be retrieved.
+     * @return the column value, maybe null depending on {@link 
+     * @throws IllegalStateException
+     *             if no header mapping was provided
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
+     *             if {@code name} is not mapped or if the record is 
+     * @see #isConsistent()
+     * @see CSVFormat#withNullString(String)
+     */
+    public String get(final String name) {
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L98" title="All 2 branches covered.">        if 
(mapping == null) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L99">            throw new IllegalStateException(</span>
+                &quot;No header mapping was specified, the record values can't 
be accessed by name&quot;);
+        }
+<span class="fc" id="L102">        final Integer index = 
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L103" title="All 2 branches covered.">        if 
(index == null) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L104">            throw new 
IllegalArgumentException(String.format(&quot;Mapping for %s not found, expected 
one of %s&quot;, name,</span>
+                mapping.keySet()));
+        }
+        try {
+<span class="fc" id="L108">            return values[index.intValue()];</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L109">        } catch (final 
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L110">            throw new 
+                &quot;Index for header '%s' is %d but CSVRecord only has %d 
values!&quot;, name, index,
+                Integer.valueOf(values.length)));
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the start position of this record as a character position in 
the source stream. This may or may not
+     * correspond to the byte position depending on the character set.
+     *
+     * @return the position of this record in the source stream.
+     */
+    public long getCharacterPosition() {
+<span class="fc" id="L123">        return characterPosition;</span>
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the comment for this record, if any.
+     * Note that comments are attached to the following record.
+     * If there is no following record (i.e. the comment is at EOF)
+     * the comment will be ignored.
+     *
+     * @return the comment for this record, or null if no comment for this 
record is available.
+     */
+    public String getComment() {
+<span class="fc" id="L135">        return comment;</span>
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the number of this record in the parsed CSV file.
+     *
+     * &lt;p&gt;
+     * &lt;strong&gt;ATTENTION:&lt;/strong&gt; If your CSV input has 
multi-line values, the returned number does not correspond to
+     * the current line number of the parser that created this record.
+     * &lt;/p&gt;
+     *
+     * @return the number of this record.
+     * @see CSVParser#getCurrentLineNumber()
+     */
+    public long getRecordNumber() {
+<span class="fc" id="L150">        return recordNumber;</span>
+    }
+    /**
+     * Tells whether the record size matches the header size.
+     *
+     * &lt;p&gt;
+     * Returns true if the sizes for this record match and false if not. Some 
programs can export files that fail this
+     * test but still produce parsable files.
+     * &lt;/p&gt;
+     *
+     * @return true of this record is valid, false if not
+     */
+    public boolean isConsistent() {
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L164" title="All 4 branches covered.">        return 
mapping == null || mapping.size() == values.length;</span>
+    }
+    /**
+     * Checks whether this record has a comment, false otherwise.
+     * Note that comments are attached to the following record.
+     * If there is no following record (i.e. the comment is at EOF)
+     * the comment will be ignored.
+     *
+     * @return true if this record has a comment, false otherwise
+     * @since 1.3
+     */
+    public boolean hasComment() {
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L177" title="All 2 branches covered.">        return 
comment != null;</span>
+    }
+    /**
+     * Checks whether a given column is mapped, i.e. its name has been defined 
to the parser.
+     *
+     * @param name
+     *            the name of the column to be retrieved.
+     * @return whether a given column is mapped.
+     */
+    public boolean isMapped(final String name) {
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L188" title="All 4 branches covered.">        return 
mapping != null &amp;&amp; mapping.containsKey(name);</span>
+    }
+    /**
+     * Checks whether a given columns is mapped and has a value.
+     *
+     * @param name
+     *            the name of the column to be retrieved.
+     * @return whether a given columns is mapped and has a value
+     */
+    public boolean isSet(final String name) {
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L199" title="All 4 branches covered.">        return 
isMapped(name) &amp;&amp; mapping.get(name).intValue() &lt; 
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns an iterator over the values of this record.
+     *
+     * @return an iterator over the values of this record.
+     */
+    @Override
+    public Iterator&lt;String&gt; iterator() {
+<span class="fc" id="L209">        return toList().iterator();</span>
+    }
+    /**
+     * Puts all values of this record into the given Map.
+     *
+     * @param map
+     *            The Map to populate.
+     * @return the given map.
+     */
+    &lt;M extends Map&lt;String, String&gt;&gt; M putIn(final M map) {
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L220" title="All 2 branches covered.">        if 
(mapping == null) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L221">            return map;</span>
+        }
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L223" title="All 2 branches covered.">        for 
(final Entry&lt;String, Integer&gt; entry : mapping.entrySet()) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L224">            final int col = 
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L225" title="All 2 branches covered.">            if 
(col &lt; values.length) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L226">                map.put(entry.getKey(), 
+            }
+<span class="fc" id="L228">        }</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L229">        return map;</span>
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the number of values in this record.
+     *
+     * @return the number of values.
+     */
+    public int size() {
+<span class="fc" id="L238">        return values.length;</span>
+    }
+    /**
+     * Converts the values to a List.
+     *
+     * TODO: Maybe make this public?
+     *
+     * @return a new List
+     */
+    private List&lt;String&gt; toList() {
+<span class="fc" id="L249">        return Arrays.asList(values);</span>
+    }
+    /**
+     * Copies this record into a new Map. The new map is not connect
+     *
+     * @return A new Map. The map is empty if the record has no headers.
+     */
+    public Map&lt;String, String&gt; toMap() {
+<span class="fc" id="L258">        return putIn(new HashMap&lt;String, 
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns a string representation of the contents of this record. The 
result is constructed by comment, mapping,
+     * recordNumber and by passing the internal values array to {@link 
+     *
+     * @return a String representation of this record.
+     */
+    @Override
+    public String toString() {
+<span class="nc" id="L269">        return &quot;CSVRecord [comment=&quot; + 
comment + &quot;, mapping=&quot; + mapping +</span>
+                &quot;, recordNumber=&quot; + recordNumber + &quot;, 
values=&quot; +
+                Arrays.toString(values) + &quot;]&quot;;
+    }
+    String[] values() {
+<span class="fc" id="L275">        return values;</span>
+    }
+</pre><div class="footer"><span class="right">Created with <a 
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onclick="toggleSort(this)">Missed</td><td class="sortable ctr2" id="i" 
onclick="toggleSort(this)">Lines</td><td class="sortable ctr1" id="j" 
onclick="toggleSort(this)">Missed</td><td class="sortable ctr2" id="k" 
 class="bar">3 of 7</td><td class="ctr2">57%</td><td class="bar">0 of 0</td><td 
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id="g0">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="h0">1</td><td class="ctr2" id="i0">1</td><td 
class="ctr1" id="j0">1</td><td class="ctr2" id="k0">1</td></tr><tr><td 
id="a1"><a href="" class="el_method">static 
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 ava</h1><pre class="source lang-java linenums">/*
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the &quot;License&quot;); you may not use this file except in compliance 
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an &quot;AS IS&quot; BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.commons.csv;
+ * Constants for this package.
+ *
+ * @version $Id: 1742459 2016-05-05 19:43:57Z britter $
+ */
+<span class="nc" id="L25">final class Constants {</span>
+    static final char BACKSLASH = '\\';
+    static final char BACKSPACE = '\b';
+    static final char COMMA = ',';
+    /**
+     * Starts a comment, the remainder of the line is the comment.
+     */
+    static final char COMMENT = '#';
+    static final char CR = '\r';
+    /** RFC 4180 defines line breaks as CRLF */
+    static final String CRLF = &quot;\r\n&quot;;
+<span class="fc" id="L43">    static final Character DOUBLE_QUOTE_CHAR = 
+    static final String EMPTY = &quot;&quot;;
+    /** The end of stream symbol */
+    static final int END_OF_STREAM = -1;
+    static final char FF = '\f';
+    static final char LF = '\n';
+    /**
+     * Unicode line separator.
+     */
+    static final String LINE_SEPARATOR = &quot;\u2028&quot;;
+    /**
+     * Unicode next line.
+     */
+    static final String NEXT_LINE = &quot;\u0085&quot;;
+    /**
+     * Unicode paragraph separator.
+     */
+    static final String PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR = &quot;\u2029&quot;;
+    static final char PIPE = '|';
+    /** ASCII record separator */
+    static final char RS = 30;
+    static final char SP = ' ';
+    static final char TAB = '\t';
+    /** Undefined state for the lookahead char */
+    static final int UNDEFINED = -2;
+    /** ASCII unit separator */
+    static final char US = 31;
+</pre><div class="footer"><span class="right">Created with <a 
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class="el_package">org.apache.commons.csv</a> &gt; <span 
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 ><tr><td class="sortable" id="a" onclick="toggleSort(this)">Element</td><td 
 >class="down sortable bar" id="b" onclick="toggleSort(this)">Missed 
 >Instructions</td><td class="sortable ctr2" id="c" 
 >onclick="toggleSort(this)">Cov.</td><td class="sortable bar" id="d" 
 >onclick="toggleSort(this)">Missed Branches</td><td class="sortable ctr2" 
 >id="e" onclick="toggleSort(this)">Cov.</td><td class="sortable ctr1" id="f" 
 >onclick="toggleSort(this)">Missed</td><td class="sortable ctr2" id="g" 
 >onclick="toggleSort(this)">Cxty</td><td class="sortable ctr1" id="h" 
 >onclick="toggleSort(this)">Missed</td><td class="sortable ctr2" id="i" 
 >onclick="toggleSort(this)">Lines</td><td class="sortable ctr1" id="j" 
 >onclick="toggleSort(this)">Missed</td><td class="sortable ctr2" id="k" 
 > class="bar">0 of 191</td><td class="ctr2">100%</td><td class="bar">1 of 
 >32</td><td class="ctr2">97%</td><td class="ctr1">1</td><td 
  class="ctr1">0</td><td class="ctr2">45</td><td class="ctr1">0</td><td 
class="ctr2">10</td></tr></tfoot><tbody><tr><td id="a8"><a 
href="" class="el_method">read(char[], int, 
int)</a></td><td class="bar" id="b0"><img src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" 
width="120" height="10" title="81" alt="81"/></td><td class="ctr2" 
id="c0">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d0"><img src="../.resources/redbar.gif" 
width="7" height="10" title="1" alt="1"/><img src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" 
width="112" height="10" title="15" alt="15"/></td><td class="ctr2" 
id="e3">94%</td><td class="ctr1" id="f0">1</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="g0">9</td><td class="ctr1" id="h0">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="i0">16</td><td class="ctr1" id="j0">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="k0">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a7"><a 
class="el_method">read()</a></td><td class="bar" id="b1"><img 
src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="45" height="10" title="31" 
alt="31"/></td><td cla
 ss="ctr2" id="c1">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d2"><img 
src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="45" height="10" title="6" 
alt="6"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e0">100%</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="f1">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="g2">4</td><td class="ctr1" id="h1">0</td><td 
class="ctr2" id="i1">6</td><td class="ctr1" id="j1">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="k1">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a2"><a 
class="el_method">getCurrentLineNumber()</a></td><td class="bar" id="b2"><img 
src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="35" height="10" title="24" 
alt="24"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c2">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d1"><img 
src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="60" height="10" title="8" 
alt="8"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e1">100%</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="f2">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="g1">5</td><td class="ctr1" id="h2">0</td><td 
class="ctr2" id="i5">3</td><td class="ctr1" id="j2">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="k2">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a9"><a href="ExtendedBufferedRea" class="el_method">readLine()</a></td><td class="bar" 
id="b3"><img src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="29" height="10" title="20" 
alt="20"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c3">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d3"><img 
src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="15" height="10" title="2" 
alt="2"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e2">100%</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="f3">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="g3">2</td><td class="ctr1" id="h3">0</td><td 
class="ctr2" id="i2">6</td><td class="ctr1" id="j3">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="k3">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a6"><a 
class="el_method">lookAhead()</a></td><td class="bar" id="b4"><img 
src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="14" height="10" title="10" 
alt="10"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c4">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d4"/><td 
class="ctr2" id="e4">n/a</td><td class="ctr1" id="f4">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="g4">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="h4">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i3">4</td><td 
class="ctr1" id="j4">0</td><
 td class="ctr2" id="k4">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a0"><a 
class="el_method">close()</a></td><td class="bar" id="b5"><img 
src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="13" height="10" title="9" 
alt="9"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c5">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d5"/><td 
class="ctr2" id="e5">n/a</td><td class="ctr1" id="f5">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="g5">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="h5">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i4">4</td><td 
class="ctr1" id="j5">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k5">1</td></tr><tr><td 
id="a1"><a href="" 
class="el_method">ExtendedBufferedReader(Reader)</a></td><td class="bar" 
id="b6"><img src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="10" height="10" title="7" 
alt="7"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c6">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d6"/><td 
class="ctr2" id="e6">n/a</td><td class="ctr1" id="f6">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="g6">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="h6">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i6">3</td><td 
class="ctr1" id="j6">0<
 /td><td class="ctr2" id="k6">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a3"><a 
class="el_method">getLastChar()</a></td><td class="bar" id="b7"><img 
src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="4" height="10" title="3" 
alt="3"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c7">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d7"/><td 
class="ctr2" id="e7">n/a</td><td class="ctr1" id="f7">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="g7">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="h7">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i7">1</td><td 
class="ctr1" id="j7">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k7">1</td></tr><tr><td 
id="a4"><a href="" 
class="el_method">getPosition()</a></td><td class="bar" id="b8"><img 
src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="4" height="10" title="3" 
alt="3"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c8">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d8"/><td 
class="ctr2" id="e8">n/a</td><td class="ctr1" id="f8">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="g8">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="h8">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i8">1</td><td 
class="ctr1" id="j8">0</td><td 
 class="ctr2" id="k8">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a5"><a 
class="el_method">isClosed()</a></td><td class="bar" id="b9"><img 
src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="4" height="10" title="3" 
alt="3"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c9">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d9"/><td 
class="ctr2" id="e9">n/a</td><td class="ctr1" id="f9">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="g9">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="h9">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i9">1</td><td 
class="ctr1" id="j9">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="k9">1</td></tr></tbody></table><div class="footer"><span 
class="right">Created with <a href="";>JaCoCo</a></span></div></body></html>
\ No newline at end of file

 Sun May 29 02:48:43 2016
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class="el_report">Apache Commons CSV</a> &gt; <a href="index.source.html" 
class="el_package">org.apache.commons.csv</a> &gt; <span 
 span></div><h1></h1><pre class="source lang-java 
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the &quot;License&quot;); you may not use this file except in compliance 
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an &quot;AS IS&quot; BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.commons.csv;
+import static org.apache.commons.csv.Constants.CR;
+import static org.apache.commons.csv.Constants.END_OF_STREAM;
+import static org.apache.commons.csv.Constants.LF;
+import static org.apache.commons.csv.Constants.UNDEFINED;
+ * A special buffered reader which supports sophisticated read access.
+ * &lt;p&gt;
+ * In particular the reader supports a look-ahead option, which allows you to 
see the next char returned by
+ * {@link #read()}. This reader also tracks how many characters have been read 
with {@link #getPosition()}.
+ * &lt;/p&gt;
+ *
+ * @version $Id: 1742468 2016-05-05 20:02:35Z 
britter $
+ */
+final class ExtendedBufferedReader extends BufferedReader {
+    /** The last char returned */
+<span class="fc" id="L41">    private int lastChar = UNDEFINED;</span>
+    /** The count of EOLs (CR/LF/CRLF) seen so far */
+    private long eolCounter;
+    /** The position, which is number of characters read so far */
+    private long position;
+    private boolean closed;
+    /**
+     * Created extended buffered reader using default buffer-size
+     */
+    ExtendedBufferedReader(final Reader reader) {
+<span class="fc" id="L55">        super(reader);</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L56">    }</span>
+    @Override
+    public int read() throws IOException {
+<span class="fc" id="L60">        final int current =;</span>
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L61" title="All 6 branches covered.">        if 
(current == CR || current == LF &amp;&amp; lastChar != CR) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L62">            eolCounter++;</span>
+        }
+<span class="fc" id="L64">        lastChar = current;</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L65">        this.position++;</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L66">        return lastChar;</span>
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the last character that was read as an integer (0 to 65535). 
This will be the last character returned by
+     * any of the read methods. This will not include a character read using 
the {@link #lookAhead()} method. If no
+     * character has been read then this will return {@link 
Constants#UNDEFINED}. If the end of the stream was reached
+     * on the last read then this will return {@link Constants#END_OF_STREAM}.
+     *
+     * @return the last character that was read
+     */
+    int getLastChar() {
+<span class="fc" id="L78">        return lastChar;</span>
+    }
+    @Override
+    public int read(final char[] buf, final int offset, final int length) 
throws IOException {
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L83" title="All 2 branches covered.">        if 
(length == 0) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L84">            return 0;</span>
+        }
+<span class="fc" id="L87">        final int len =, offset, 
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L89" title="All 2 branches covered.">        if (len 
&gt; 0) {</span>
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L91" title="All 2 branches covered.">            for 
(int i = offset; i &lt; offset + len; i++) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L92">                final char ch = buf[i];</span>
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L93" title="All 2 branches covered.">                
if (ch == LF) {</span>
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L94" title="All 4 branches covered.">                 
   if (CR != (i &gt; 0 ? buf[i - 1] : lastChar)) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L95">                        eolCounter++;</span>
+                    }
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L97" title="All 2 branches covered.">                
} else if (ch == CR) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L98">                    eolCounter++;</span>
+                }
+            }
+<span class="fc" id="L102">            lastChar = buf[offset + len - 1];</span>
+<span class="pc bpc" id="L104" title="1 of 2 branches missed.">        } else 
if (len == -1) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L105">            lastChar = END_OF_STREAM;</span>
+        }
+<span class="fc" id="L108">        position += len;</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L109">        return len;</span>
+    }
+    /**
+     * Calls {@link BufferedReader#readLine()} which drops the line 
terminator(s). This method should only be called
+     * when processing a comment, otherwise information can be lost.
+     * &lt;p&gt;
+     * Increments {@link #eolCounter}
+     * &lt;p&gt;
+     * Sets {@link #lastChar} to {@link Constants#END_OF_STREAM} at EOF, 
otherwise to LF
+     *
+     * @return the line that was read, or null if reached EOF.
+     */
+    @Override
+    public String readLine() throws IOException {
+<span class="fc" id="L124">        final String line = super.readLine();</span>
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L126" title="All 2 branches covered.">        if 
(line != null) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L127">            lastChar = LF; // needed for detecting 
start of line</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L128">            eolCounter++;</span>
+        } else {
+<span class="fc" id="L130">            lastChar = END_OF_STREAM;</span>
+        }
+<span class="fc" id="L133">        return line;</span>
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the next character in the current reader without consuming it. 
So the next call to {@link #read()} will
+     * still return this value. Does not affect line number or last character.
+     *
+     * @return the next character
+     *
+     * @throws IOException
+     *             if there is an error in reading
+     */
+    int lookAhead() throws IOException {
+<span class="fc" id="L146">        super.mark(1);</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L147">        final int c =;</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L148">        super.reset();</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L150">        return c;</span>
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the current line number
+     *
+     * @return the current line number
+     */
+    long getCurrentLineNumber() {
+        // Check if we are at EOL or EOF or just starting
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L160" title="All 8 branches covered.">        if 
(lastChar == CR || lastChar == LF || lastChar == UNDEFINED || lastChar == 
END_OF_STREAM) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L161">            return eolCounter; // counter is 
+        }
+<span class="fc" id="L163">        return eolCounter + 1; // Allow for counter 
being incremented only at EOL</span>
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets the character position in the reader.
+     *
+     * @return the current position in the reader (counting characters, not 
bytes since this is a Reader)
+     */
+    long getPosition() {
+<span class="fc" id="L172">        return this.position;</span>
+    }
+    public boolean isClosed() {
+<span class="fc" id="L176">        return closed;</span>
+    }
+    /**
+     * Closes the stream.
+     *
+     * @throws IOException
+     *             If an I/O error occurs
+     */
+    @Override
+    public void close() throws IOException {
+        // Set ivars before calling super close() in case close() throws an 
+<span class="fc" id="L188">        closed = true;</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L189">        lastChar = END_OF_STREAM;</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L190">        super.close();</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L191">    }</span>
+</pre><div class="footer"><span class="right">Created with <a 
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class="el_package">org.apache.commons.csv</a> &gt; <span 
class="el_class">Lexer</span></div><h1>Lexer</h1><table class="coverage" 
cellspacing="0" id="coveragetable"><thead><tr><td class="sortable" id="a" 
 t(this)">Element</td><td class="down sortable bar" id="b" 
onclick="toggleSort(this)">Missed Instructions</td><td class="sortable ctr2" 
id="c" onclick="toggleSort(this)">Cov.</td><td class="sortable bar" id="d" 
onclick="toggleSort(this)">Missed Branches</td><td class="sortable ctr2" id="e" 
onclick="toggleSort(this)">Cov.</td><td class="sortable ctr1" id="f" 
onclick="toggleSort(this)">Missed</td><td class="sortable ctr2" id="g" 
onclick="toggleSort(this)">Cxty</td><td class="sortable ctr1" id="h" 
onclick="toggleSort(this)">Missed</td><td class="sortable ctr2" id="i" 
onclick="toggleSort(this)">Lines</td><td class="sortable ctr1" id="j" 
onclick="toggleSort(this)">Missed</td><td class="sortable ctr2" id="k" 
 class="bar">52 of 589</td><td class="ctr2">91%</td><td class="bar">9 of 
120</td><td class="ctr2">92%</td><td class="ctr1">9</td><td 
class="ctr2">83</td><td class="ctr1">8</td><td class="ctr2">132</td><td c
 lass="ctr1">0</td><td class="ctr2">20</td></tr></tfoot><tbody><tr><td 
id="a15"><a href="" 
class="el_method">parseEncapsulatedToken(Token)</a></td><td class="bar" 
id="b0"><img src="../.resources/redbar.gif" width="32" height="10" title="41" 
alt="41"/><img src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="73" height="10" 
title="94" alt="94"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c19">70%</td><td class="bar" 
id="d0"><img src="../.resources/redbar.gif" width="10" height="10" title="3" 
alt="3"/><img src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="50" height="10" 
title="15" alt="15"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e12">83%</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="f0">3</td><td class="ctr2" id="g1">10</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h0">3</td><td class="ctr2" id="i1">27</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j0">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k0">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a18"><a 
href="" class="el_method">readEscape()</a></td><td 
class="bar" id="b1"><img src="../.resources/redbar.gif" width="4" height="10" 
title="6" alt="6"/><i
 mg src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="19" height="10" title="25" 
alt="25"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c18">81%</td><td class="bar" id="d1"><img 
src="../.resources/redbar.gif" width="10" height="10" title="3" alt="3"/><img 
src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="23" height="10" title="7" 
alt="7"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e14">70%</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="f1">3</td><td class="ctr2" id="g2">9</td><td class="ctr1" id="h1">3</td><td 
class="ctr2" id="i3">12</td><td class="ctr1" id="j1">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="k1">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a14"><a href="" 
class="el_method">nextToken(Token)</a></td><td class="bar" id="b2"><img 
src="../.resources/redbar.gif" width="3" height="10" title="5" alt="5"/><img 
src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="116" height="10" title="148" 
alt="148"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c17">97%</td><td class="bar" id="d2"><img 
src="../.resources/redbar.gif" width="3" height="10" title="1" alt="1"/><img 
src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="116"
  height="10" title="35" alt="35"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e10">97%</td><td 
class="ctr1" id="f2">1</td><td class="ctr2" id="g0">19</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h2">2</td><td class="ctr2" id="i0">39</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j2">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k2">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a16"><a 
href="" class="el_method">parseSimpleToken(Token, 
int)</a></td><td class="bar" id="b3"><img src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" 
width="62" height="10" title="80" alt="80"/></td><td class="ctr2" 
id="c0">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d5"><img src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" 
width="40" height="10" title="12" alt="12"/></td><td class="ctr2" 
id="e0">100%</td><td class="ctr1" id="f5">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="g3">7</td><td class="ctr1" id="h3">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="i2">22</td><td class="ctr1" id="j3">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="k3">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a12"><a href="" 
class="el_method">Lexer(CSVFormat, ExtendedBufferedReader)</a></td><td 
class="bar" id="b4"><img src
 ="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="28" height="10" title="36" 
alt="36"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c1">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d15"/><td 
class="ctr2" id="e15">n/a</td><td class="ctr1" id="f6">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="g15">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="h4">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="i4">9</td><td class="ctr1" id="j4">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="k4">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a19"><a href="" 
class="el_method">trimTrailingSpaces(StringBuilder)</a></td><td class="bar" 
id="b5"><img src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="19" height="10" title="25" 
alt="25"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c2">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d4"><img 
src="../.resources/redbar.gif" width="3" height="10" title="1" alt="1"/><img 
src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="16" height="10" title="5" 
alt="5"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e13">83%</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="f3">1</td><td class="ctr2" id="g6">4</td><td class="ctr1" id="h5">0</td><td 
class="ctr2" id="i5">6</td><td class="ctr1" id="j5">0</td><td 
 class="ctr2" id="k5">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a17"><a 
href="" class="el_method">readEndOfLine(int)</a></td><td 
class="bar" id="b6"><img src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="17" 
height="10" title="22" alt="22"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c3">100%</td><td 
class="bar" id="d6"><img src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="26" 
height="10" title="8" alt="8"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e1">100%</td><td 
class="ctr1" id="f7">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="g4">5</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h6">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i6">3</td><td class="ctr1" id="j6">0</td><td 
class="ctr2" id="k6">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a8"><a href="" 
class="el_method">isMetaChar(int)</a></td><td class="bar" id="b7"><img 
src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="15" height="10" title="20" 
alt="20"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c4">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d3"><img 
src="../.resources/redbar.gif" width="3" height="10" title="1" alt="1"/><img 
src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="23" height="1
 0" title="7" alt="7"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e11">88%</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="f4">1</td><td class="ctr2" id="g5">5</td><td class="ctr1" id="h7">0</td><td 
class="ctr2" id="i8">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="j7">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="k7">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a10"><a href="" 
class="el_method">isStartOfLine(int)</a></td><td class="bar" id="b8"><img 
src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="10" height="10" title="13" 
alt="13"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c5">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d7"><img 
src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="20" height="10" title="6" 
alt="6"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e2">100%</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="f8">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="g7">4</td><td class="ctr1" id="h8">0</td><td 
class="ctr2" id="i9">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="j8">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="k8">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a11"><a href="" 
class="el_method">isWhitespace(int)</a></td><td class="bar" id="b9"><img 
src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="9" height="1
 0" title="12" alt="12"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c6">100%</td><td class="bar" 
id="d8"><img src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="13" height="10" title="4" 
alt="4"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e3">100%</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="f9">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="g8">3</td><td class="ctr1" id="h9">0</td><td 
class="ctr2" id="i10">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="j9">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="k9">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a5"><a href="" 
class="el_method">isDelimiter(int)</a></td><td class="bar" id="b10"><img 
src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="6" height="10" title="8" 
alt="8"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c7">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d9"><img 
src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="6" height="10" title="2" 
alt="2"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e4">100%</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="f10">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="g9">2</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h10">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i11">1</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j10">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k10">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a7"><a href="Lex" class="el_method">isEscape(int)</a></td><td class="bar" 
id="b11"><img src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="6" height="10" title="8" 
alt="8"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c8">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d10"><img 
src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="6" height="10" title="2" 
alt="2"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e5">100%</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="f11">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="g10">2</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h11">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i12">1</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j11">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k11">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a9"><a 
href="" class="el_method">isQuoteChar(int)</a></td><td 
class="bar" id="b12"><img src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="6" 
height="10" title="8" alt="8"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c9">100%</td><td 
class="bar" id="d11"><img src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="6" 
height="10" title="2" alt="2"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e6">100%</td><td 
class="ctr1" id="f12">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="g11">2</td><td class="ctr1
 " id="h12">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i13">1</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j12">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k12">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a4"><a 
href="" class="el_method">isCommentStart(int)</a></td><td 
class="bar" id="b13"><img src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="6" 
height="10" title="8" alt="8"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c10">100%</td><td 
class="bar" id="d12"><img src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="6" 
height="10" title="2" alt="2"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e7">100%</td><td 
class="ctr1" id="f13">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="g12">2</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h13">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i14">1</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j13">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k13">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a13"><a 
class="el_method">mapNullToDisabled(Character)</a></td><td class="bar" 
id="b14"><img src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="5" height="10" title="7" 
alt="7"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c11">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d13"><img 
 ar.gif" width="6" height="10" title="2" alt="2"/></td><td class="ctr2" 
id="e8">100%</td><td class="ctr1" id="f14">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="g13">2</td><td class="ctr1" id="h14">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="i15">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="j14">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="k14">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a6"><a href="" 
class="el_method">isEndOfFile(int)</a></td><td class="bar" id="b15"><img 
src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="5" height="10" title="7" 
alt="7"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c12">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d14"><img 
src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="6" height="10" title="2" 
alt="2"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="e9">100%</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="f15">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="g14">2</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h15">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i16">1</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="j15">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="k15">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a2"><a 
class="el_method">getCurrentLineNumber()</a></td><td class="bar" id="b16"><img 
 ources/greenbar.gif" width="3" height="10" title="4" alt="4"/></td><td 
class="ctr2" id="c13">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d16"/><td class="ctr2" 
id="e16">n/a</td><td class="ctr1" id="f16">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="g16">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="h16">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="i17">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="j16">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="k16">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a1"><a href="" 
class="el_method">getCharacterPosition()</a></td><td class="bar" id="b17"><img 
src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="3" height="10" title="4" 
alt="4"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c14">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d17"/><td 
class="ctr2" id="e17">n/a</td><td class="ctr1" id="f17">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="g17">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="h17">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="i18">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="j17">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="k17">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a3"><a href="" 
class="el_method">isClosed()</a></td><td class="bar" id="b18"><img 
 .gif" width="3" height="10" title="4" alt="4"/></td><td class="ctr2" 
id="c15">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d18"/><td class="ctr2" 
id="e18">n/a</td><td class="ctr1" id="f18">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="g18">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="h18">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="i19">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="j18">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="k18">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a0"><a href="" 
class="el_method">close()</a></td><td class="bar" id="b19"><img 
src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="3" height="10" title="4" 
alt="4"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c16">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d19"/><td 
class="ctr2" id="e19">n/a</td><td class="ctr1" id="f19">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="g19">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="h19">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="i7">2</td><td class="ctr1" id="j19">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
id="k19">1</td></tr></tbody></table><div class="footer"><span 
class="right">Created with <a href="";>JaCoCo</a></span></div></body></html>
\ No newline at end of file

 Sun May 29 02:48:43 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 
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type="text/javascript" src="../.resources/prettify.js"></script></head><body 
onload="window['PR_TAB_WIDTH']=4;prettyPrint()"><div class="breadcrumb" 
id="breadcrumb"><span class="info"><a href="../.sessions.html" 
class="el_session">Sessions</a></span><a href="../index.html" 
class="el_report">Apache Commons CSV</a> &gt; <a href="index.source.html" 
class="el_package">org.apache.commons.csv</a> &gt; <span 
  class="source lang-java linenums">/*
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the &quot;License&quot;); you may not use this file except in compliance 
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an &quot;AS IS&quot; BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.commons.csv;
+import static org.apache.commons.csv.Constants.BACKSPACE;
+import static org.apache.commons.csv.Constants.CR;
+import static org.apache.commons.csv.Constants.END_OF_STREAM;
+import static org.apache.commons.csv.Constants.FF;
+import static org.apache.commons.csv.Constants.LF;
+import static org.apache.commons.csv.Constants.TAB;
+import static org.apache.commons.csv.Constants.UNDEFINED;
+import static org.apache.commons.csv.Token.Type.COMMENT;
+import static org.apache.commons.csv.Token.Type.EOF;
+import static org.apache.commons.csv.Token.Type.EORECORD;
+import static org.apache.commons.csv.Token.Type.INVALID;
+import static org.apache.commons.csv.Token.Type.TOKEN;
+ * Lexical analyzer.
+ *
+ * @version $Id: 1742468 2016-05-05 20:02:35Z britter $
+ */
+final class Lexer implements Closeable {
+    /**
+     * Constant char to use for disabling comments, escapes and encapsulation. 
The value -2 is used because it
+     * won't be confused with an EOF signal (-1), and because the Unicode 
value {@code FFFE} would be encoded as two
+     * chars (using surrogates) and thus there should never be a collision 
with a real text char.
+     */
+    private static final char DISABLED = '\ufffe';
+    private final char delimiter;
+    private final char escape;
+    private final char quoteChar;
+    private final char commentStart;
+    private final boolean ignoreSurroundingSpaces;
+    private final boolean ignoreEmptyLines;
+    /** The input stream */
+    private final ExtendedBufferedReader reader;
+<span class="fc" id="L61">    Lexer(final CSVFormat format, final 
ExtendedBufferedReader reader) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L62">        this.reader = reader;</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L63">        this.delimiter = 
+<span class="fc" id="L64">        this.escape = 
+<span class="fc" id="L65">        this.quoteChar = 
+<span class="fc" id="L66">        this.commentStart = 
+<span class="fc" id="L67">        this.ignoreSurroundingSpaces = 
+<span class="fc" id="L68">        this.ignoreEmptyLines = 
+<span class="fc" id="L69">    }</span>
+    /**
+     * Returns the next token.
+     * &lt;p&gt;
+     * A token corresponds to a term, a record change or an end-of-file 
+     * &lt;/p&gt;
+     *
+     * @param token
+     *            an existing Token object to reuse. The caller is responsible 
to initialize the Token.
+     * @return the next token found
+     * @throws
+     *             on stream access error
+     */
+    Token nextToken(final Token token) throws IOException {
+        // get the last read char (required for empty line detection)
+<span class="fc" id="L86">        int lastChar = reader.getLastChar();</span>
+        // read the next char and set eol
+<span class="fc" id="L89">        int c =;</span>
+        /*
+         * Note: The following call will swallow LF if c == CR. But we don't 
need to know if the last char was CR or LF
+         * - they are equivalent here.
+         */
+<span class="fc" id="L94">        boolean eol = readEndOfLine(c);</span>
+        // empty line detection: eol AND (last char was EOL or beginning)
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L97" title="All 2 branches covered.">        if 
(ignoreEmptyLines) {</span>
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L98" title="All 4 branches covered.">            
while (eol &amp;&amp; isStartOfLine(lastChar)) {</span>
+                // go on char ahead ...
+<span class="fc" id="L100">                lastChar = c;</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L101">                c =;</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L102">                eol = readEndOfLine(c);</span>
+                // reached end of file without any content (empty line at the 
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L104" title="All 2 branches covered.">                
if (isEndOfFile(c)) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L105">                    token.type = EOF;</span>
+                    // don't set token.isReady here because no content
+<span class="fc" id="L107">                    return token;</span>
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // did we reach eof during the last iteration already ? EOF
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L113" title="All 6 branches covered.">        if 
(isEndOfFile(lastChar) || !isDelimiter(lastChar) &amp;&amp; isEndOfFile(c)) 
+<span class="fc" id="L114">            token.type = EOF;</span>
+            // don't set token.isReady here because no content
+<span class="fc" id="L116">            return token;</span>
+        }
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L119" title="All 4 branches covered.">        if 
(isStartOfLine(lastChar) &amp;&amp; isCommentStart(c)) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L120">            final String line = 
+<span class="pc bpc" id="L121" title="1 of 2 branches missed.">            if 
(line == null) {</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L122">                token.type = EOF;</span>
+                // don't set token.isReady here because no content
+<span class="nc" id="L124">                return token;</span>
+            }
+<span class="fc" id="L126">            final String comment = 
+<span class="fc" id="L127">            token.content.append(comment);</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L128">            token.type = COMMENT;</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L129">            return token;</span>
+        }
+        // important: make sure a new char gets consumed in each iteration
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L133" title="All 2 branches covered.">        while 
(token.type == INVALID) {</span>
+            // ignore whitespaces at beginning of a token
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L135" title="All 2 branches covered.">            if 
(ignoreSurroundingSpaces) {</span>
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L136" title="All 4 branches covered.">                
while (isWhitespace(c) &amp;&amp; !eol) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L137">                    c =;</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L138">                    eol = readEndOfLine(c);</span>
+                }
+            }
+            // ok, start of token reached: encapsulated, or token
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L143" title="All 2 branches covered.">            if 
(isDelimiter(c)) {</span>
+                // empty token return TOKEN(&quot;&quot;)
+<span class="fc" id="L145">                token.type = TOKEN;</span>
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L146" title="All 2 branches covered.">            } 
else if (eol) {</span>
+                // empty token return EORECORD(&quot;&quot;)
+                // noop: token.content.append(&quot;&quot;);
+<span class="fc" id="L149">                token.type = EORECORD;</span>
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L150" title="All 2 branches covered.">            } 
else if (isQuoteChar(c)) {</span>
+                // consume encapsulated token
+<span class="fc" id="L152">                
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L153" title="All 2 branches covered.">            } 
else if (isEndOfFile(c)) {</span>
+                // end of file return EOF()
+                // noop: token.content.append(&quot;&quot;);
+<span class="fc" id="L156">                token.type = EOF;</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L157">                token.isReady = true; // there is 
data at EOF</span>
+            } else {
+                // next token must be a simple token
+                // add removed blanks when not ignoring whitespace chars...
+<span class="fc" id="L161">                parseSimpleToken(token, c);</span>
+            }
+        }
+<span class="fc" id="L164">        return token;</span>
+    }
+    /**
+     * Parses a simple token.
+     * &lt;p/&gt;
+     * Simple token are tokens which are not surrounded by encapsulators. A 
simple token might contain escaped
+     * delimiters (as \, or \;). The token is finished when one of the 
following conditions become true:
+     * &lt;ul&gt;
+     * &lt;li&gt;end of line has been reached (EORECORD)&lt;/li&gt;
+     * &lt;li&gt;end of stream has been reached (EOF)&lt;/li&gt;
+     * &lt;li&gt;an unescaped delimiter has been reached (TOKEN)&lt;/li&gt;
+     * &lt;/ul&gt;
+     *
+     * @param token
+     *            the current token
+     * @param ch
+     *            the current character
+     * @return the filled token
+     * @throws IOException
+     *             on stream access error
+     */
+    private Token parseSimpleToken(final Token token, int ch) throws 
IOException {
+        // Faster to use while(true)+break than while(token.type == INVALID)
+        while (true) {
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L189" title="All 2 branches covered.">            if 
(readEndOfLine(ch)) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L190">                token.type = EORECORD;</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L191">                break;</span>
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L192" title="All 2 branches covered.">            } 
else if (isEndOfFile(ch)) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L193">                token.type = EOF;</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L194">                token.isReady = true; // There is 
data at EOF</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L195">                break;</span>
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L196" title="All 2 branches covered.">            } 
else if (isDelimiter(ch)) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L197">                token.type = TOKEN;</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L198">                break;</span>
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L199" title="All 2 branches covered.">            } 
else if (isEscape(ch)) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L200">                final int unescaped = 
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L201" title="All 2 branches covered.">                
if (unescaped == END_OF_STREAM) { // unexpected char after escape</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L202">                    token.content.append((char) 
ch).append((char) reader.getLastChar());</span>
+                } else {
+<span class="fc" id="L204">                    token.content.append((char) 
+                }
+<span class="fc" id="L206">                ch =; // 
+<span class="fc" id="L207">            } else {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L208">                token.content.append((char) 
+<span class="fc" id="L209">                ch =; // 
+            }
+        }
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L213" title="All 2 branches covered.">        if 
(ignoreSurroundingSpaces) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L214">            
+        }
+<span class="fc" id="L217">        return token;</span>
+    }
+    /**
+     * Parses an encapsulated token.
+     * &lt;p/&gt;
+     * Encapsulated tokens are surrounded by the given encapsulating-string. 
The encapsulator itself might be included
+     * in the token using a doubling syntax (as &quot;&quot;, '') or using 
escaping (as in \&quot;, \'). Whitespaces before and after
+     * an encapsulated token are ignored. The token is finished when one of 
the following conditions become true:
+     * &lt;ul&gt;
+     * &lt;li&gt;an unescaped encapsulator has been reached, and is followed 
by optional whitespace then:&lt;/li&gt;
+     * &lt;ul&gt;
+     * &lt;li&gt;delimiter (TOKEN)&lt;/li&gt;
+     * &lt;li&gt;end of line (EORECORD)&lt;/li&gt;
+     * &lt;/ul&gt;
+     * &lt;li&gt;end of stream has been reached (EOF)&lt;/li&gt; &lt;/ul&gt;
+     *
+     * @param token
+     *            the current token
+     * @return a valid token object
+     * @throws IOException
+     *             on invalid state: EOF before closing encapsulator or 
invalid character before delimiter or EOL
+     */
+    private Token parseEncapsulatedToken(final Token token) throws IOException 
+        // save current line number in case needed for IOE
+<span class="fc" id="L242">        final long startLineNumber = 
+        int c;
+        while (true) {
+<span class="fc" id="L245">            c =;</span>
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L247" title="All 2 branches covered.">            if 
(isEscape(c)) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L248">                final int unescaped = 
+<span class="pc bpc" id="L249" title="1 of 2 branches missed.">                
if (unescaped == END_OF_STREAM) { // unexpected char after escape</span>
+<span class="nc" id="L250">                    token.content.append((char) 
c).append((char) reader.getLastChar());</span>
+                } else {
+<span class="fc" id="L252">                    token.content.append((char) 
+                }
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L254" title="All 2 branches covered.">            } 
else if (isQuoteChar(c)) {</span>
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L255" title="All 2 branches covered.">                
if (isQuoteChar(reader.lookAhead())) {</span>
+                    // double or escaped encapsulator -&gt; add single 
encapsulator to token
+<span class="fc" id="L257">                    c =;</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L258">                    token.content.append((char) 
+                } else {
+                    // token finish mark (encapsulator) reached: ignore 
whitespace till delimiter
+                    while (true) {
+<span class="fc" id="L262">                        c =;</span>
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L263" title="All 2 branches covered.">                
        if (isDelimiter(c)) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L264">                            token.type = 
+<span class="fc" id="L265">                            return token;</span>
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L266" title="All 2 branches covered.">                
        } else if (isEndOfFile(c)) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L267">                            token.type = EOF;</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L268">                            token.isReady = true; 
// There is data at EOF</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L269">                            return token;</span>
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L270" title="All 2 branches covered.">                
        } else if (readEndOfLine(c)) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L271">                            token.type = 
+<span class="fc" id="L272">                            return token;</span>
+<span class="pc bpc" id="L273" title="1 of 2 branches missed.">                
        } else if (!isWhitespace(c)) {</span>
+                            // error invalid char between token and next 
+<span class="nc" id="L275">                            throw new 
IOException(&quot;(line &quot; + getCurrentLineNumber() +</span>
+                                    &quot;) invalid char between encapsulated 
token and delimiter&quot;);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+<span class="pc bpc" id="L280" title="1 of 2 branches missed.">            } 
else if (isEndOfFile(c)) {</span>
+                // error condition (end of file before end of token)
+<span class="nc" id="L282">                throw new 
IOException(&quot;(startline &quot; + startLineNumber +</span>
+                        &quot;) EOF reached before encapsulated token 
+            } else {
+                // consume character
+<span class="fc" id="L286">                token.content.append((char) 
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    private char mapNullToDisabled(final Character c) {
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L292" title="All 2 branches covered.">        return 
c == null ? DISABLED : c.charValue();</span>
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the current line number
+     *
+     * @return the current line number
+     */
+    long getCurrentLineNumber() {
+<span class="fc" id="L301">        return reader.getCurrentLineNumber();</span>
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the current character position
+     *
+     * @return the current character position
+     */
+    long getCharacterPosition() {
+<span class="fc" id="L310">        return reader.getPosition();</span>
+    }
+    // TODO escape handling needs more work
+    /**
+     * Handle an escape sequence.
+     * The current character must be the escape character.
+     * On return, the next character is available by calling {@link 
+     * on the input stream.
+     *
+     * @return the unescaped character (as an int) or {@link 
Constants#END_OF_STREAM} if char following the escape is
+     *      invalid.
+     * @throws IOException if there is a problem reading the stream or the end 
of stream is detected:
+     *      the escape character is not allowed at end of strem
+     */
+    int readEscape() throws IOException {
+        // the escape char has just been read (normally a backslash)
+<span class="fc" id="L327">        final int ch =;</span>
+<span class="pc bpc" id="L328" title="3 of 8 branches missed.">        switch 
(ch) {</span>
+        case 'r':
+<span class="fc" id="L330">            return CR;</span>
+        case 'n':
+<span class="fc" id="L332">            return LF;</span>
+        case 't':
+<span class="nc" id="L334">            return TAB;</span>
+        case 'b':
+<span class="nc" id="L336">            return BACKSPACE;</span>
+        case 'f':
+<span class="nc" id="L338">            return FF;</span>
+        case CR:
+        case LF:
+        case FF: // TODO is this correct?
+        case TAB: // TODO is this correct? Do tabs need to be escaped?
+        case BACKSPACE: // TODO is this correct?
+<span class="fc" id="L344">            return ch;</span>
+        case END_OF_STREAM:
+<span class="fc" id="L346">            throw new IOException(&quot;EOF whilst 
processing escape sequence&quot;);</span>
+        default:
+            // Now check for meta-characters
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L349" title="All 2 branches covered.">            if 
(isMetaChar(ch)) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L350">                return ch;</span>
+            }
+            // indicate unexpected char - available from in.getLastChar()
+<span class="fc" id="L353">            return END_OF_STREAM;</span>
+        }
+    }
+    void trimTrailingSpaces(final StringBuilder buffer) {
+<span class="fc" id="L358">        int length = buffer.length();</span>
+<span class="pc bpc" id="L359" title="1 of 4 branches missed.">        while 
(length &gt; 0 &amp;&amp; Character.isWhitespace(buffer.charAt(length - 1))) 
+<span class="fc" id="L360">            length = length - 1;</span>
+        }
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L362" title="All 2 branches covered.">        if 
(length != buffer.length()) {</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L363">            buffer.setLength(length);</span>
+        }
+<span class="fc" id="L365">    }</span>
+    /**
+     * Greedily accepts \n, \r and \r\n This checker consumes silently the 
second control-character...
+     *
+     * @return true if the given or next character is a line-terminator
+     */
+    boolean readEndOfLine(int ch) throws IOException {
+        // check if we have \r\n...
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L374" title="All 4 branches covered.">        if (ch 
== CR &amp;&amp; reader.lookAhead() == LF) {</span>
+            // note: does not change ch outside of this method!
+<span class="fc" id="L376">            ch =;</span>
+        }
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L378" title="All 4 branches covered.">        return 
ch == LF || ch == CR;</span>
+    }
+    boolean isClosed() {
+<span class="fc" id="L382">        return reader.isClosed();</span>
+    }
+    /**
+     * @return true if the given char is a whitespace character
+     */
+    boolean isWhitespace(final int ch) {
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L389" title="All 4 branches covered.">        return 
!isDelimiter(ch) &amp;&amp; Character.isWhitespace((char) ch);</span>
+    }
+    /**
+     * Checks if the current character represents the start of a line: a CR, 
LF or is at the start of the file.
+     *
+     * @param ch the character to check
+     * @return true if the character is at the start of a line.
+     */
+    boolean isStartOfLine(final int ch) {
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L399" title="All 6 branches covered.">        return 
ch == LF || ch == CR || ch == UNDEFINED;</span>
+    }
+    /**
+     * @return true if the given character indicates end of file
+     */
+    boolean isEndOfFile(final int ch) {
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L406" title="All 2 branches covered.">        return 
ch == END_OF_STREAM;</span>
+    }
+    boolean isDelimiter(final int ch) {
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L410" title="All 2 branches covered.">        return 
ch == delimiter;</span>
+    }
+    boolean isEscape(final int ch) {
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L414" title="All 2 branches covered.">        return 
ch == escape;</span>
+    }
+    boolean isQuoteChar(final int ch) {
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L418" title="All 2 branches covered.">        return 
ch == quoteChar;</span>
+    }
+    boolean isCommentStart(final int ch) {
+<span class="fc bfc" id="L422" title="All 2 branches covered.">        return 
ch == commentStart;</span>
+    }
+    private boolean isMetaChar(final int ch) {
+<span class="pc bpc" id="L426" title="1 of 8 branches missed.">        return 
ch == delimiter ||</span>
+               ch == escape ||
+               ch == quoteChar ||
+               ch == commentStart;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Closes resources.
+     *
+     * @throws IOException
+     *             If an I/O error occurs
+     */
+    @Override
+    public void close() throws IOException {
+<span class="fc" id="L440">        reader.close();</span>
+<span class="fc" id="L441">    }</span>
+</pre><div class="footer"><span class="right">Created with <a 
\ No newline at end of file

 Sun May 29 02:48:43 2016
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id="a2"><a href="" 
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alt="5"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c3">0%</td><td class="bar" id="d0"/><td 
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id="g0">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="h0">1</td><td class="ctr2" id="i1">1</td><td 
class="ctr1" id="j0">1</td><td class="ctr2" id="k0">1</td></tr><tr><td 
id="a1"><a href="" class="el_method">static 
{...}</a></td><td class="bar" id="b1"><img src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" 
width="120" height="10" title="44" alt="44"/></td><td class="ctr2" 
id="c0">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d1"/><td class="ctr2" id="e1">n/a</td><td 
class="ctr1" id="f1">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="g1">1</td><td class="ctr1" 
id="h1">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="i0">5</td><td class="ctr1" id="j1">0</td><td
  class="ctr2" id="k1">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a0"><a 
href="" class="el_method">QuoteMode(String, 
int)</a></td><td class="bar" id="b2"><img src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" 
width="13" height="10" title="5" alt="5"/></td><td class="ctr2" 
id="c1">100%</td><td class="bar" id="d2"/><td class="ctr2" id="e2">n/a</td><td 
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class="ctr2" id="k2">1</td></tr><tr><td id="a3"><a 
href="" class="el_method">values()</a></td><td 
class="bar" id="b3"><img src="../.resources/greenbar.gif" width="10" 
height="10" title="4" alt="4"/></td><td class="ctr2" id="c2">100%</td><td 
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id="f3">0</td><td class="ctr2" id="g3">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="h3">0</td><td 
class="ctr2" id="i3">1</td><td class="ctr1" id="j3">0</td><td class="ctr2" 
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\ No newline at end of file

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 ava</h1><pre class="source lang-java linenums">/*
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the &quot;License&quot;); you may not use this file except in compliance 
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an &quot;AS IS&quot; BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.commons.csv;
+ * Defines quote behavior when printing.
+ *
+ * @version $Id: 1694977 2015-08-10 07:05:58Z ggregory $
+ */
+<span class="pc" id="L24">public enum QuoteMode {</span>
+    /**
+     * Quotes all fields.
+     */
+<span class="fc" id="L29">    ALL,</span>
+    /**
+     * Quotes fields which contain special characters such as a delimiter, 
quotes character or any of the characters in
+     * line separator.
+     */
+<span class="fc" id="L35">    MINIMAL,</span>
+    /**
+     * Quotes all non-numeric fields.
+     */
+<span class="fc" id="L40">    NON_NUMERIC,</span>
+    /**
+     * Never quotes fields. When the delimiter occurs in data, the printer 
prefixes it with the current escape
+     * character. If the escape character is not set, format validation throws 
an exception.
+     */
+<span class="fc" id="L46">    NONE</span>
+</pre><div class="footer"><span class="right">Created with <a 
\ No newline at end of file

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