Re: declaring system dependencies

2013-04-17 Thread Lars Corneliussen
Hi, this should also work with typedotnet-gac/type or gac_32 dependency groupIdSystem.Web.Routing/groupId artifactIdSystem.Web.Routing/artifactId version4.0.0.0/version typegac_msil4/type classifier31bf3856ad364e35/classifier /dependency Am 25.03.2013 um

Re: was the npanday.plugin.install.FileInstallerMojo removed from 1.5.0-incubating-snapshot

2013-04-17 Thread Lars Corneliussen
good to see you answering your questions :( i'm now using the library-importer-plugin with nuget - but before that i usually generated poms in a groovy script and then installed them… i have plans to extend the library-importer-plugin to also pick up local dlls - but haven't found time for that