
I usually use maven 3, but not with gac references. I think for maven 2 we 
intercept the right places to help resolving the artifacts from gac; maybe we 
have to hook it up differently for maven 3 (google IOC)

for building the npanday trunk, first run the mv3-bootstrap bat in npanday 
trunk root (don't remember the full file name); this is necessary, since mvn3 
can't resolve plugin deps within a reactor build - they have to be in the repo. 

hope that helps

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Am 07.09.2011 um 16:04 schrieb "Sergio Rupena" <sergio.rup...@gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> It looks like npanday 1.4.1-INCUBATING does not fully support maven 3
> (3.0.3).
> For GAC dependencies (type = gac_msil) I would define a dependency in the
> pom as follows:
>    <dependency>
>      <groupId>Microsoft</groupId>
>      <artifactId>System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations</artifactId>
>      <version></version>
>      <classifier>31bf3856ad364e35</classifier>
>      <type>gac_msil</type>
>    </dependency>
> I don't have the dependency in my repository and when I compile with maven 2
> everything works fine. However with maven 3, I get an error that maven is
> not capable of finding the pom in any repository.
> Is this a maven or an npanday related issue? I had to upload the mentioned
> dll from GAC to my repository in order to make my build. Maybe I am doing
> something wrong. Anyone tried to have gac_msil dependencies and build with
> maven 3 ?
> Also building npanday itself with maven 3 did not work for me. Any plans for
> stronger maven 3 support?
> Best regards,
> Sergio

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