Y do u have 2 b so mean Derek. U know I'm sensitive :(


<Moderator: What?! I was as confused as you were. If its not in Bronx I 
have no idea where its at :-P  -Derek>

On 8/15/07, noble kinsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> big open air space where there USED to be a pool but there hasn't been
> water
> in it for years (some say because there were concerns about it being
> integrated).  It's next to the park in williamsburg.  you can take L to
> Bedford and it's very close, or G to Metropolitan and/or whatever station
> is
> north of that.
> I live not far from the area, will go to movie, and would enjoy meeting
> people if any want to meet up beforehand.
> <Moderator: Wow! I wonder if I would taken a sec to follow the URL if I
> would of found out all that! Hmmm :-D -Derek>
>>From: Belinda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Reply-To: npny@lists.panix.com
>>To: npny@lists.panix.com
>>Subject: Re: NPNY: Re: Purple Rain @ McCarren Pool
>>Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2007 15:13:45 -0400
>>What is the MCCarren Pool?
>><Moderator: Hmmm we have a real mystery on our hands here Scooby....
>>On 8/11/07, NPS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Cool!  Sounds like a great way to celebrate my move to Brooklyn!
>>> Thanks for the heads up!
>>> Anyone else down?
>>> On 8/10/07, ::M::A::Y::A:: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> NPNY,
>>>> http://www.mccarrenpark.com/#8-21
>>>> There will be a screening of Purple Rain at the McCarren Pool in
>>>> Williamsburg on 08/21.  Film starts at 8pm.
>>>> -Maya

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