I voted for them, as u requested. Good Luck 2 your friends


<Moderator: Thanks! We shall see! Today is the last day to vote -Derek>

----- Original Message ----- From: "Derek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "NPNY" <npny@lists.panix.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 8:21 PM
Subject: NPNY: Help Me Help Some Friends Crash The Superbowl!

I have some friends that entered a little contest Doritos is having called
"Crash The Superbowl". They submitted a there video and they made it to
FINAL 3!! I would love to see them go all the way! The Grand prize is a
Interscope Record Contract and a 60 second music video to be aired during
the Superbowl! How cool is that?! and it would be even cooler to brag about
how help these guys will watching there video on the Superbowl!

To help is really easy!

1. logon to myspace or create a mysapce account if you don't have one

2. go to

3. Vote for "Nivla ft. P. Oberoi"

If your in New York you have caught them on my favorite morning show "Good
Day NY". If not you can check out the video at


Voting ends on 1/27/08 and you allowed to vote once a day. So if you can
vote everyday till then!

For more information on group you can check out there website at:



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