><Moderator: The retailer hasn't been confirmed and he has probably burned
>all the bridges with Major labels. I am more concerned if we going to get 3
>good albums or 3 crappy albums that are configured just like "Planet Earth"
>- -Derek>

   If Eye may, what's wrong with "Planet Earth"? The album, of course, not
Our actual Home! : }

   Angelic LOVE! GOoD Day!

 JS : )

<Moderator: Prince has released better free music in the last year then
collection he provided for Columbia/Sony to distribute. He was better off
giving this away free [oh wait he did!]. In my opinion "Planet Earth" is
Prince worst album. Narrowly beating out "Chaos and Disorder" as the biggest
Prince throw away to date. Only bigger waste of money was 1999: New Master.
The selection of songs sounds like stuff left over from the last Several
years then an actual serious compilation of music. Probably just another pay
day for Prince. It was time to move to a new house...

Like it if you will, that is just my opinion.  -Derek>

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/x-pkcs7-signature which 
had a name of smime.p7s]

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