I have downloaded the 80211 module for ns2, and I have seen that it is
actually an ns-2 package.
I have tried running some of the tcl scripts, like test-80211.tcl, bt it
keeps telling me that it cannot recognise the ns command, even though i have
well defined the paths and the environment va
Dear all,
I try to simulate a multichannel MAC protocol for wireless network and
in that protocols RTS/CTS sent on channel 0 and data sent on other data
channels. My question is how can i calculate throughput on data
channels. I only use trace graph at the moment.
Thank you and best regards,
Dear all,
When i created an agent and after making all changes as given in the
ns-tutorial and then i gave the command MAKE. This gets compiled correctly.
When i ran the TCL file i got the following error.
The agent i created is named 'samp'
The error is
ns samp.tcl
[code omitted
Could someone pls help me, I wanna create a simulated model of a VOIP
network,I wanna carry out a performance evaluation of ATM vs SIP and
H.323in VOIP networks using NS
2.To this effect I wanna design a VOIP network using ATM backbone so I wanna
know if I can use NS to design the ATM protocol for
Hi all,
does any one have experience with the multi-channel / Multi -interface
extention shown by:
I updated everything a couple of weeks ago and it seemd to work fine... but
unformtunatly I
Hi to all,
Does any one have a detailed description BlueHoc: of the classes and the
functions implemented in these classes of BlueHoc (the Bluetooth module). I
need to understand exactly how BlueHoc works.
I would appreciate all the help I can get.
Thank you all.