hi ,
what's the diffirence in trace file between "ack" & "ACK"
Discover the new Windows Vista
I think that ns can not find these two variant "aomdv_max_paths_"
"aomdv_prim_alt_path_len_diff_" in the Agent/AOMDV class.
You should define the AOMDV in "makefile" or add the code "#define AOMDV" to
the head file such as "aodv.h", which will enable the defination of those
variants in AOMDV c
Dear Marcello:
Finally i could add AOMDV code to ns-2.32. I have two questions.
1- How can i implement node disjoint and link disjoint paths?
2- After running aomdv.tcl i have the following messages:
num_nodes is set 16
warning: no class variable Agent/AOMDV::aomdv_max_paths_
hi all ns-users Anybody can tell me where to find an example of an implemented
data aggregation algorithm? Thanks.
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i am working on wimax mesh network patch, I am trying to modify
create_vod() in traffic.msh by changing the transport layer protocol from
UDP to TCP or SCTP but it gives me error *'Segmentation fault'*. note that i
also create sink in tcp or sctp case but this problem is not getting
Hello Everybody
Kindly Help me . I will be greatful to you
I have created four TCP source Nodes and Four TCP Sink nodes
in the middle of them there is One node and all the source nodes and
sink nodes are connected to them.
this middle node help in routing
Each and every source node is
I am trying to install *ns-2.33 on Suse* distribution and get the following
skipping incompatible /usr/X11R6/lib/libXext.so when searching for -lXext
Any one can tell me how to run TORA in ns2.
I try many tcl scripts but it gives errors.
Please tell what changes I should make to run this.
Be a better friend, newshound, and
know-it-all with Y
Hey everybody,
Does anybody know how to store data in a node? I want a node which, sort of,
acts like a bank. It stores information about nodes in that network & some
temporary information critical to passing messages in the network. This
means that this node co-ordinates passing of messages bas