Hello ns2 usersIam Veronica,pursuing my final year Bachelor of
TechnologyIam working on AODV implementation with power
consumption as cost metric. Please suggest me which CC.FILES i have to
modify for replacing shortest path with power consumption as cost
metric..please sug
Hello ns2 usersIam Veronica,pursuing my final year Bachelor of
TechnologyIam working on AODV implementation with power
consumption as cost metric. Please suggest me which CC.FILES i have to
modify for replacing shortest path with power consumption as cost
metric..and in which w
Dear J S,
To check memory leaks , you can go for valgrind tool. Check the link below.
Sometimes, out of of memory occurs if the trace file is large. In that case,
just keep the traces that u need and turn off all other traces. For example, u
may turn on AGT only and turn
Dear ns-users
I am using ns-2.33 version installed on Cygwin . It was working fine. Now I
tried to add Cluster Based Routing Protocol(CBRP), the source code for which I
got from the internet for version 2.1b5. I modified the code and removed all
the errors to fit for the new version. I modi
hi to all
i am new to ns2, i am using ns-2.33, here i like to simulate the pushback
in this i like to do push incoming packets sender address to up stream
router.. for this scenario
i got some code it is like this
Node instproc add-pushback-agent {} {
$self instvar pushback
On 3/6/09, Jaspreet Singh wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am facing a problem with wireless ad hoc simulation. It works fine with
> AODV & DSR protocols for any no of nodes. Now, if I change the protocol to
> DSDV, it works fine only for 5 nodes. If I increase the nodes to 10, it does
> not produce the
i create a new packet
“newpkt” aodv and I create a function send_newpkt (for neighbor only )and
recv_newpkt and I call it in constructor (bold underlined )
id) : Agent(PT_AODV),
Hi, I saw that in the DSR implementation of NS2, promiscous listening
for source routes and automatic route shortening is by default
In real life scenarios (sensor networks, etc...), is it enabled? I'm
wondering this because I know that promiscous listening consumes more
power, and maybe
Does the NIST mobility package extension to NS-2 support MIPv6 ? Furthermore,
which files need to be modified to implement PMIPv6 ?
Thank you.
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I would like to know if there is some code available of 802.15.4 to NS that
supports modulation of TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) and Channel Hopping
simultaneously. Somebody can give me a tip?
Thanks in advance,
Hello All,
Does anyone know where i can find a package (TCL and some C++
algorithm) for NS2 the simulates a Wireless Sensor Network using SMAC
at the Mac Layer.
I couldn't find something sufficient. All I need is something to start
with i.e. some code that the I can slightly modify, add co
I am using a scenario file which comes with ns2. scen-3-test.
But the issue is, when I see the topology in NAM, there is just one node and
that too is not at the co-ordinates where it has been assigned to.
I have tried with various scenario files but non luck.
Please help.
I need to simulate a scenario where a node on receiving a packet
will send it out on all the out going links.I do not want to use multicast
protocols due to some other issue.Can any one help me with implementing it?.
Thank you,
Respected sir/madam,
I am doing my final year B-tech project in
NS2.All the installations procedures were really good for the beginners
like us. But i have a huge hurdle on my way I don't know how to write a
code for the spectrum sensing or a passive listener who can sense the medium
and just re
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