[ns] problem with TCP Cubic

2010-09-22 Thread Cinthia Aliwarga
Hi all... now i was doing my undergraduate thesis about TCP Cubic in Mobile IP network... i already download tcp.cc and tcp.h from http://netsrv.csc.ncsu.edu/twiki/bin/view/Main/BIC.html and compile it to my NS 2.26 i made a tcl file which was using that tcp.cc and tcp.h...but somehow the

[ns] learn about SETDEST

2010-04-18 Thread Cinthia Aliwarga
hi all, i am newbie with ns2 i really need your help about using setdest i had follow this step, but as the result is 1. Go to ns directory and run configure (you probably have done that already while building ns). This creates a makefile for setdest. 2.Go to