hi, Because of inconsistencies in the trace format, sometimes the node id is given in a hierarchical way (eg, 0.0.1) and other times in a decimal way (hierarchical addresses normally allocate bits as 10.11.11, so 1.0.1 becomes 4194305). It's generally simplest to have a look through your trace file and figure out which id is being given to which node under which circumstances. (eg., sending from a wired node to a wired node seems to result in hierarchical addresses, but receiving at a wireless node seems to result in the confusing decimal format). Here's what I use for calculating loss, it should get you started and make calculating throughput and delay easier.
######################################################################### #Hierarchical routing is used with bits allocated as 10.11.11, # #addresses must be converted # #0.0.0 = 0 (our server node) # #1.0.0 = 4194304 (our Access point node) # #1.0.1 = 4194305 (our destination node) # ######################################################################### BEGIN{totaltime=input;} /^+/ && / && / && /Multimedia/{ wtimefield=2 wpacketidfield=12 loss[int($wtimefield)]++; packet[$wpacketidfield]=1; } /^r/ && / -Is 0.0/ && / -Id 4194305.0/ && /AGT/ && /Multimedia/ { if(timefield==0 ||packetidfield==0) { for(i=1; i<=NF; i++) { if($i=="-t") timefield=i+1; if($i=="-Ii") packetidfield=i+1; } } loss[int($timefield)]--; packet[$packetidfield] = 0; } END{ for(i=0;i<totaltime;i++) print i " " loss[i]*1000*8; } Good Luck, David McMullin Dublin City University. 2009/8/15 Oladapo Oluwadiya <ooluwad...@yahoo.com>: > > hello, > > does anyone have the awk script to calculate delay,throughput,packet loss in > a mixed scenario i.e. wired-wireless scenario? > i will really appreciate it. > regards. > > > > >