Hi all,

I have to write a protocol that simulate this behaviours :

The sender wait one ack for each 2 packet that was sent
The  receiver  send  only one ack  for each packet that was received
the window and the buffer sizes are different.

The nodes  of this network will be like this :

A ----------------  B  ------------------- C

A-B :  bw 1Mb delay 50ms
B-C :  bw 0.5mb delay 50ms

There will be needed 3 parameter form the user : The buffer size at B , 
ack interval from C to A and simulation time.

In this project how can i make possible to send one ack for each 2 
packet from receiver and slide the window when ack comes for the 2 
packets at the sender. Can it be possible via implementing my own tcp 
agent? If it is how can it be. I'm new to ns2 and i don't know very much 
about it? Is searched the isi manual and i could not find any  topic can 
help me. Do you know any source or have any sample code that i can use?


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