Hello Everyone,

Recently I am doing some work related with wireless routing. I
reviewed the code of DSR in ns-2 and noticed that the longest path
supported by this protocol is 16, defined by
#define MAX_SR_LEN 16
in the hdr_sr.h file.

Maybe I misunderstood something. According to the specification of
TCP/IP protocol, the length of IP Option is at most 40 bytes. If each
IP address takes 4 bytes in DSR, then at most 10 nodes can be added in
the DSR Source Route Option. How can the length of path reach 16
without tampering the data of upper layer, e.g., TCP/UDP?

Would somebody correct me if I am wrong?


Liu Yang
Department of Computer Science
Stevens Institute of Technology
Hoboken, NJ 07030

personal page: http://www.cs.stevens.edu/~lyang

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