can anybody tell me what are the effects of amending the trafic of wimax at
mac layer
wimax_v2.03 at
what parameters are effected by amending the trafic?
if anybody has worked on scheduling services of wimax then please help me
i m using script of wimax
i want to analyze the quality of service parameters of wimax
and that is my thesis topic
i changed ifqlenght , datarate , packetsize but these donot effect on
the throughput delay and jitter.
can u please tell me which parameter effect on the throughput delay and jitt
hi all
im doing simulating on wimax
can anybody send me the scripts for analyzing the quality of service
parameters of wimax?
plz send me if u hav any
hi im simulating wimax code
and this eror occurs
can anybody help me plz?
how can i resolv this issue?
invalid command name "Agent/WimaxCtrl"
while executing
"Agent/WimaxCtrl set adv_interval_ 1.0"
invalid command name "Phy/WirelessPhy/OFDM"
while executing
"Phy/WirelessPhy/OFDM create
hi all
can anyone tell me why this error ( missing separator ) occurs when i edit
in makefile and then write these comands make clean and make?
after editing i've to write make clean
and then make
bt i cant run these commands due to this error
these comands run only if i write ./configure and th
hi dear
go to this location
then write the scenerio file there
by writing these commands u can create scenerio
ns cbrgen.tcl -type cbr -nn 60 -seed 0.1 -mc 10 -rate 0.000125 >cp1
ns cbrgen.tcl -type cbr -nn 60 -seed 0.1 -mc 20 -rate 0.000125 >cp2
ns cbrgen.tcl
hi all
i posted earlier bt noone replied me
plzzz tell me how can i remove that eror
im working with ns-2.31 and i have installed wimax patch but when i try to
simulate wimax script it gives an error
invalid command name "Application/Traffic/UGS"
while executing
"Application/Traffic/UGS cr
hi all
i posted earlier bt noone replied me
plzzz tell me how can i remove that eror
im working with ns-2.31 and i have installed wimax patch.bt when i try to
simulate wimax script it gives an error
invalid command name "Application/Traffic/UGS"
while executing
"Application/Traffic/UGS cre