Dear Ping, I was searching the whole day, and finally I got it working in my system. The first thing you have to do is to compile the nse (the emulator). It was quite tricky in my case. I had to install the libpcap packet before, and change some files. There is a good guide (in german) at These are the steps I took:
1) try to compile the nse from /ns-x.xx folder: make nse 2) in my case it didnt work, I had then to download the libpcap from adept manager (I am using kubuntu) or from 3) I still got some errors and I had to alter the (NOT the Makefile!). Since we dont know which .o files are needed, all object files you find in your libcap folder must be included here: $NSE): $(OBJ) ... &(LINK) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDOUT)$@ \ /usr/libcap-0.7.2/bpf_dump.o \ /usr/libcap-0.7.2/bpf_filter.o \ /usr/libcap-0.7.2/bpf_image.o \ /usr/libcap-0.7.2/etherent.o \ /usr/libcap-0.7.2/gencode.o \ /usr/libcap-0.7.2/... .o \ ... common/tclAppInit.o $(OBJ) \ &(OBJ_EMULATE_CC) $(OBJ_EMULATE_C) $(LIB) 4) ./configure 5) make nse After that, you can use the emulator calling nse ____.tcl Hope it solves your problem. Best reagards, Rodrigo