Dear all,

Please find attached the call-for-papers for SIMUTools 2008, the First 
International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques for Communications, 
Networks and Systems. Please accept our apologies if you have received multiple 
copies of this message.

You are welcome to forward this CFP to your friends and colleagues working in 
the field.

Kind regards,

                               SIMUTools 2008
         First International Conference on Simulation Tools and
          Techniques for Communications, Networks and Systems
                   March 3-7, 2008, Marseilles, France

                   Full Papers due: September 21, 2007

(pdf version:

SIMUTools 2008 is the first international conference focusing on Simulation 
Tools and Techniques for Communications, Networks, and Systems. The conference 
will address all aspects of simulation modelling and analysis. Papers are 
sought on the topics of methodology, tools, applications, and practices. 
Particular emphasis will be given to papers that bridge multiple areas.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to
* Methodology/Simulation Art: Web based simulation, Agent based simulation, 
Petri Nets simulation, Fluid flow simulation, Bond Graphs simulation, 
Simulation-based Scheduling
* Application areas: Telecommunication, Network Security, Health Care, 
Transportation, Manufacturing, Public Systems, Education and Training
* Tools: OPNET, NS-2, interconnected simulation platforms, ATDI ICS, Qualnet, 
OMNET++, NIIST, open source tools

Extended versions of selected papers will be published in relevant special 
issues of leading journals. Authors of accepted papers should register and 
present their work at the conference. A poster session will accommodate short 
papers and works in progress.

Important Dates
- Full Papers due: September 21, 2007
- Acceptance Notification: November 10, 2007
- Final Manuscript Due: December 10, 2007
- Conference Dates: March 3-7, 2008

Submission Instructions
Authors are invited to submit PDF versions of full papers of up to 10 pages in 
ACM conference proceedings format through COCUS (

Call for Workshops
We solicit workshop proposals on new and emerging topics in Simulation Tools 
and Techniques for Communications, Networks and Systems. A proposal should 
focus on a specific theme of current interest seeking for high-quality 
submissions. Proposals for one-day workshops to be held in conjunction with the 
main conference are solicited and should be forwarded to the workshops chairs 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] by *September 21, 2007*. Acceptance notification by *October 
1, 2007*.

Call for Panel Sessions
Panel sessions proposals should be submitted to [EMAIL PROTECTED] by *September 
21, 2007*. Proposals should state the session title, a description of the 
topic, and the names of key organizers and potential panelists. Panel Session 
topics will be decided by *November 10, 2007*.

Call for Exhibitors at EXPOTools
In addition to the main technical program, the conference will hold a parallel 
exhibition, EXPOTools. This will be a unique opportunity for industry, 
researchers and professionals to exhibit simulation tools, techniques and 
related products. For exhibitor information contact the conference coordinator, 
Zita Rozsa, [EMAIL PROTECTED] by *February 8, 2008*.

Call for Poster Session
Authors are also invited to submit proposals for poster presentations. Submit a 
ONE page extended abstract in PDF format to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Accepted 
abstracts will be published in the Conference Proceedings. Participants in the 
Poster Session are required to register and present their poster at the 
conference. Poster abstracts are due by *December 10, 2007*. Acceptance 
notifications will be emailed by *December 17, 2007*.

Organization Committee

General Chairs
Sándor Molnár, Budapest Univ. of Technology and Economics, Hungary John Heath, 
University of So Maine, USA

Technical Program Chairs
Olivier Dalle, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, CNRS & INRIA, France

Steering Committee
Imrich Chlamtac, Chair, CreateNet, Italy

Workshops Chairs
Kejie Lu, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, Puerto Rico Hua Zhu, San Diego 
Research Center, USA

Local Chair
Claudia Frydman
LSIS - Université Aix-Marseille, France

Finance Chair
Karen Decker, ICST US

Publication Chair
Tricha Anjali, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA

Publicity Chair
Thomas Watteyne, INRIA, France Telecom R&D, France

Conference Coordinator
Zita Rozsa, ICST Europe

Program Committees

To be announced.

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