Hi all !

I'm new. I'm new in the mailing list and I'm new with ns-2.
I apologize if I'm going to make banal questions.
That's my problem:
I have to analyze the capacity of the 1090 MHz channel used by airplanes'
transponders to transmit/receive air traffic surveillance services (such
like ADS-B and TIS-B).
ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast) is a surveillance service
that is broadcasted from the airplanes' transponders to other aircrafts in a
specific area or to ground stations.
TIS-B (Traffic Information Service Broadcast) is a surveillance service that
is broadcasted from the ground station to all the aircrafts in a specific
Could anyone help me to start this work?
Does an implementation of the 1090 MHz standards for ns-2 already exist?
Thank you all !



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