For first question: AWK is consider a programming language that is designed for 
processing text-based files, it consider the file construct from rows and 
So $35 mean column 35 at trace output file that its coorosponding to type of 
$19 (column 19) mean application layer(the action happen in this layer)
$3 (column 3)is time(   the time when the action happened).

For further look at the following site:
So before starting simulation, you should better to understand every item in 
trace file format.

About the second point: yes there is a version at linux.


Mohammed AbuHajar

--- On Thu, 12/3/09, Wei Zhang <> wrote:

From: Wei Zhang <>
Subject: Re: please help me
To: "Mohammed AbuHajar" <>
Date: Thursday, December 3, 2009, 3:37 PM

Hi Mohammed AbuHajar,
I would liketo ask you:
In awk file what are some variables $35 $19,$3... and whre they were took 
from ? 
MatLab can run in Linux?
Thanks so much.

--- En date de : Mar 1.12.09, Mohammed AbuHajar <> a écrit :

De: Mohammed AbuHajar <>
Objet: Re: please help me
À: "Wei Zhang" <>
Cc: "NS_2 Mailing List" <>
Date: Mardi 1 Décembre 2009, 13h25

Its very easy. just learn how to draw graph in MatLab. It's will take 15 
minutes only, try to learn how to plot more than graph in the same graph.

All The best!.
Mohammed AbuHajar

--- On Tue, 12/1/09, Wei Zhang <> wrote:

From: Wei Zhang <>
Subject: please help me
To: "Mohammed AbuHajar" <>
Date: Tuesday, December 1, 2009, 1:29 AM

Dear Mohammed AbuHajar,
I would like to ask you if use MatLab I must code much or not and use easily? 
Thank so much.

--- En date de : Dim 29.11.09, Mohammed AbuHajar <> a écrit :

De: Mohammed AbuHajar <>
Objet: OK
À: "Wei Zhang" <>
Date: Dimanche 29 Novembre 2009, 13h57

Dear Wei,
To plot your results after you get them, I advise you to use MatLab software 
just for plotting. It gives nice and accurate draws. I attached the function 
that I used it in plotting.


Mohammed AbuHajar

--- On Sun, 11/29/09, Wei Zhang <> wrote:

From: Wei Zhang <>
Subject: please help me
Date: Sunday, November 29, 2009, 12:09 AM

Dear Mohammed Abu Hajar,
I know you are author of the awk files of Packet delivery ratio, routing 
overhead, normalize routing load, average end to end delay(I attached this 
I am new in Ns2. I would like to ask you:
- How to plot these awk files?
- to make these awk files i what i must perform trace file?
I need your help much.
Thanks you very much.



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