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                                  CALL FOR PAPERS
                     Workshop on ns-2: the IP network simulator
                           Pisa, Italy -- October 10, 2006



In recent years, the ns-2 simulator has become one of the de facto
standards (if
not the standard) for the simulation of packet-switched networks, as
attested by
the number of research papers and IETF documents based on it, as well
as by the
wide scope of the networking technologies it handles. It is widely
used in both
academia and industry as a means of designing, testing and evaluating
new and
existing protocols and architectures, and it is also a very useful
tool for
educational purposes.

The Workshop on ns-2 (WNS2) is a one-day event held in conjunction with
VALUETOOLS, the First International Conference on Performance Evaluation
Methodologies and Tools (http://www.valuetools.org/).

The main goals of the WNS2 workshop are: to bring together networking
from both academia and industry, to discuss recent advances, to
identify future
directions in network simulation, and to foster interdisciplinary
research in this area.

The workshop devotes special interest to the future evolution of
ns-2, and its
extension in novel research areas and networking technologies and


This workshop is mainly focused on the simulator in itself. We are
looking for original contributions that go beyond the use of ns-2 "as
is", and
try to make it evolve. The following topics are of particular interest:

     - Development of new simulation models and features, especially
in, but
       not restricted to, the areas of:

         * Mobile networks, 3G and 4G networks, WLANs, WPANs, WiMAX...
         * Delay-tolerant networking.
         * Congestion-control and transport-layer issues in long-fat
         * Network mobility (NEMO).
         * Sensor networks.
         * Peer-to-peer systems.
         * Grid computing.

     - Large-scale network simulation and model-based simulation

     - Post-processing tools and GUIs for statistical analysis and
       of simulation results.

Other topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

     - Validation of ns-2 behavior with experimentation and real data.

     - Comparative studies of ns-2 and other network simulation
tools, both
       commercial and freely-available.

     - Parallel and distributed versions of ns-2.

     - Use of ns-2 in teaching networking concepts and techniques.


Submission Deadline: May 20, 2006
Notification of Acceptance: June 20, 2006
Camera-ready Manuscripts due: July 10, 2006


Technical Program Co-chairs:

Tania Jiménez       (LIA, France)
David Ros           (GET / ENST Bretagne, France)


Eitan Altman        (INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France)
Chadi Barakat       (INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France)
Armando Caro Jr.    (BBN Technologies, USA)
Thierry Ernst       (Keio University, Japan)
Sonia Fahmy         (Purdue University, USA)
Andrei Gurtov       (Helsinki Institute for Information Technology, Finland)
Qi He               (IBM, USA)
Polly Huang         (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
Tom Henderson       (Boeing, USA)
Kun-chan Lan        (NICTA, Australia)
Saverio Mascolo     (Politecnico di Bari, Italy)
Nicolas Montavont   (GET / ENST Bretagne, France)
Giorgio Tonella     (USI, Switzerland)
Michael Welzl       (Leopold-Franzens-University of Innsbruck, Austria)
Lloyd Wood          (Cisco, UK)


Authors are invited to submit full papers of up to 8 pages in IEEE
proceedings format (double-column, 11-point font size). Submissions
must be in
electronic format (PDF files). More details about the submission
process will be
available on the Workshop web page: http://www.wns2.org/ .

Papers accepted for oral presentation, as well as papers accepted as
will appear in the workshop proceedings that will be distributed to
in the form of a CD-ROM. The proceedings will also be available on-
line through
IEEE on IEEEXplore.


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