hi all.. In DSR routing protocol, there are 2 phase, which is route discovery and route maintenance.
Roughly, if a source want to start communicate, it will check a route cache to determine whether the route already exist or not. If the route expired or don't exist, then they will initiate a route discovery process by broadcasting a RREQ. Then the neighbors will forward the RREQ to another node untill it reach the destination. The destination then response with RREP and send back to the source. Once the source received RREP, the communication will start. The algorithm also involves updating routing table, set timer,accumulating the address of each node between source and destination, rejecting a loop route and etc. I try to explore ../ns2.30/dsr/ but I didn't find the file that described/written this algorithm. 1. How the example in ../tcl/ex/wireless.tcl is link with ../ns2.30/dsr/ ? 2. In which line wireless.tcl called the procedure or agent in dsr directory? My system : FC 6 2.6.18-1.2869.fc6 ns2.30 --------------------------------- Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.