First of all I don't use JISt/Swans++  simulator before. However to solve you 
problem you need to understand the mechanism of DSR how its work, concentrate 
on route discover phase according to the following steps: 
A-  If the pair initiator address, request id for this route request is found 
in this host’s 
list of recently seen requests, then discard the route request packet and do 
process it further. 
B-  Otherwise, if this host’s address is already listed in the route record in 
the request, 
then discard the route request packet and do not process it further. 

C-  Otherwise, if the target of the request matches this host’s own address, 
then the 
route record in the packet contains the route by which the request reached this 
host from the initiator of the route request. Return a copy of this route in a 
reply packet to the initiator. (change here)
D- Otherwise, append this host’s own address to the route record in the route 
packet, and re-broadcast the request.  (change here)

To wait some time to receive all request from other nodes then applying your 
algorithm you need to change the mechanism of the node when receive the request 
by inserting a procedure to store all incomminf request in array then you can 
go ahead with your work>

All The Best.

Mohammed AbuHajar

--- On Mon, 11/30/09, sssssssss ssssssssss <> wrote:

From: sssssssss ssssssssss <>
Subject: Fw: Re:Please see details,
Date: Monday, November 30, 2009, 10:23 AM

Thanks for reply!
sir i am pg student selected one paper for implementation QOS DSR . i am using 
JISt/Swans++ simulator .
there is one code which is same as ns2 DSR i want help like:
Sir, i have to change DSR as follows:
1. calculate MAc dalay.
2. Add it with  Request.
3. each request is along with MAC Delay.
4. At destination when number of reuest recived the Routing algorithm is 
implemented.T he algorithm wait for some time to recive all request & select 
best from that. send reverse path.
I have completed all 1,2,3 steps. My problem is with 4 step  i am not getting 
it that  how i will get  number of request from Source to destination but 
following different path.Now i am understanding from code that it send reply to 
first recived to get all reuest which are coming from different 
path to the destination where i have check?. so that i can handle it at 
destination node for my algorithm . i know algorithm. 
so please give that guide line only 
 sir please help me i saw u on net helping students

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