Hi, I am working in wireless scenario and if i try to run a script for xgraph it ll shows error. pls check where the error in the following code and correct it. THE CODE ======== set val(chan) Channel/WirelessChannel ;# channel type set val(prop) Propagation/TwoRayGround ;# radio-propagati set val(netif) Phy/WirelessPhy ;# network interfac set val(mac) Mac/802_11 ;# MAC type set val(ifq) Queue/DropTail/PriQueue ;# interface queue type set val(ll) LL ;# link layer type set val(ant) Antenna/OmniAntenna ;# antenna model set val(ifqlen) 50 ;# max packet in ifq set val(nn) 2 ;# number o set val(rp) DSR ;# routing protocol set ns_ [new Simulator] set tracefd [open simple1.tr w] $ns_ trace-all $tracefd set topo [new Topography] $topo load_flatgrid 500 500 set f0 [open out0.tr w] proc finish {} { global f0 close $f0 exec xgraph out0.tr -geometry 800x400 & exit 0 } proc attach-expoo-traffic { node sink size burst idle rate } { #Get an instance of the simulator set ns_ [Simulator instance] #Create a UDP agent and attach it to the node set source [new Agent/UDP] $ns_ attach-agent $node $source #Create an Expoo traffic agent and set its configuration parameters set traffic [new Application/Traffic/Exponential] $traffic set packetSize_ $size $traffic set burst_time_ $burst $traffic set idle_time_ $idle $traffic set rate_ $rate # Attach traffic source to the traffic generator $traffic attach-agent $source #Connect the source and the sink $ns_ connect $source $sink return $traffic } proc record {} { global sink0 f0 set ns_ [Simulator instance] set time 0.5 set bw0 [$sink0 set bytes_] set now [$ns_ now] puts $f0 "$now [expr $bw0/$time*8/1000000]" $sink0 set bytes_ 0 $ns_ at [expr $now+$time] "record" } create-god $val(nn) $ns_ node-config -channel [new $val(chan)] \ -adhocRouting $val(rp) \ -llType $val(ll) \ -macType $val(mac) \ -ifqType $val(ifq) \ -ifqLen $val(ifqlen) \ -antType $val(ant) \ -topoInstance $topo \ -propType $val(prop) \ -phyType $val(netif) \ -agentTrace ON \ -routerTrace ON \ -macTrace OFF \ -movementTrace OFF for {set i 0} {$i < $val(nn) } {incr i} { set node_($i) [$ns_ node] $node_($i) random-motion 0 } #$ns_ duplex-link $node_(0) $node_(1) 1Mb 100ms DropTail set sink0 [new Agent/LossMonitor] $ns_ attach-agent $node_(1) $sink0 $node_(0) set X_ 5.0 $node_(0) set Y_ 2.0 $node_(0) set Z_ 0.0 $node_(1) set X_ 390.0 $node_(1) set Y_ 385.0 $node_(1) set Z_ 0.0 $ns_ at 5.0 "$node_(1) setdest 25.0 20.0 15.0" $ns_ at 1.0 "$node_(0) setdest 20.0 18.0 1.0" $ns_ at 10.0 "$node_(1) setdest 490.0 480.0 15.0" for {set i 0} {$i < $val(nn) } {incr i} { $ns_ at 15.0 "$node_($i) reset"; } set source [attach-expoo-traffic $node_(0) $sink0 200 2s 1s 100k] #set source [attach-expoo-traffic $node_(0) $node_(1) 200 2s 1s 100k] $ns_ at 5.0 "$source start" $ns_ at 10.0 "$source stop" $ns_ at 0.0 "record" $ns_ at 10.0 "finish" $ns_ at 10.0001 "stop" $ns_ at 10.0002 "puts \"NS EXITING...\" ; $ns_ halt" proc stop {} { global ns_ tracefd $ns_ flush-trace close $tracefd } puts "Starting Simulation..." $ns_ run I am very grateful if u send me any sample code for generating xgraph for wireless simulation. Thank you, G.PRabhu ----------------------------------------- This email was sent using TCEMail Service. Thiagarajar College of Engineering Madurai - 625015 (India)