Dear All,

I have executed TORA successfully and made all the requisite changes to to enable it  work correctly  and to get rid of Agent/PROTO problem.

But When i execute my tcl script, thee seems to be indeterminate delay in
getting the output.When i examine the trace file created by tora.tcl script,
the simulation gets struck at 2.3 seconds and not able to move
beyond.Theexact output that appears in the terminal is

         **************OUTPUT AS IT APPEARS IN THE
                num_nodes is set 6
                 INITIALIZE THE LIST xListHead
                 using backward compatible Agent/CBR; use
Application/Traffic/CBR instead
                 Start of simulation..
        - Calc highestAntennaZ_ and distCST_
                 highestAntennaZ_ = 1.5,  distCST_ = 550.0
                 SORTING LISTS ...DONE!

It gets struck at this point and there is no progress beyond this.

It would immensely help me if anyone is able to correct this peculiar
problem.I'm using ns2.29 in Red Hat8.

I have enclosed my tora.tcl script below.

Thank You,
With Regards,

# ======================================================================
# Define options
# ======================================================================
 set val(chan)         Channel/WirelessChannel  ;# channel type
 set val(prop)         Propagation/TwoRayGround ;# radio-propagation model
 set val(ant)          Antenna/OmniAntenna      ;# Antenna type
 set val(ll)           LL                       ;# Link layer type
 set val(ifq)          Queue/DropTail/PriQueue  ;# Interface queue type
 set val(ifqlen)       50                       ;# max packet in ifq
 set val(netif)        Phy/WirelessPhy          ;# network interface type
 set val(mac)          Mac/802_11               ;# MAC type
 set val(nn)           6                        ;# number of mobilenodes
 set val(rp)           TORA                     ;# routing protocol
 set val(x)            800
 set val(y)            800

set ns [new Simulator]
#ns-random 0

set f [open w]
$ns trace-all $f
set namtrace [open 1_out.nam w]
$ns namtrace-all-wireless $namtrace $val(x) $val(y)
set f0 [open w]
set f1 [open w]
set f2 [open w]
set f3 [open w]

set topo [new Topography]
$topo load_flatgrid 800 800

create-god $val(nn)

set chan_1 [new $val(chan)]
set chan_2 [new $val(chan)]
set chan_3 [new $val(chan)]
set chan_4 [new $val(chan)]
set chan_5 [new $val(chan)]
set chan_6 [new $val(chan)]


$ns node-config  -adhocRouting $val(rp) \
          -llType $val(ll) \
                 -macType $val(mac) \
                 -ifqType $val(ifq) \
                 -ifqLen $val(ifqlen) \
                 -antType $val(ant) \
                 -propType $val(prop) \
                 -phyType $val(netif) \
                 #-channelType $val(chan) \
                 -topoInstance $topo \
                 -agentTrace OFF \
                 -routerTrace ON \
                 -macTrace ON \
                 -movementTrace OFF \
                 -channel $chan_1  # \
                 #-channel $chan_2   \
                 #-channel $chan_3   \
                 #-channel $chan_4   \
                 #-channel $chan_5   \
                 #-channel $chan_6

proc finish {} {
    global ns f f0 f1 f2 f3 namtrace
    $ns flush-trace
        close $namtrace
    close $f0
        close $f1
     close $f2
        close $f3
       # exec xgraph
        exec nam -r 5m 1_out.nam &
    exit 0

proc record {} {
  global sink0 sink1 sink2 sink3 sink4 sink5 f0 f1 f2 f3
   #Get An Instance Of The Simulator
   set ns [Simulator instance]

   #Set The Time After Which The Procedure Should Be Called Again
   set time 0.05
   #How Many Bytes Have Been Received By The Traffic Sinks?
   set bw0 [$sink5 set npkts_]
   set bw1 [$sink5 set nlost_]
   #set bw2 [$sink2 set npkts_]
   #set bw3 [$sink3 set npkts_]

   #Get The Current Time
   set now [$ns now]

   #Save Data To The Files
   puts $f0 "$now [expr $bw0]"
   puts $f1 "$now [expr $bw1]"
   #puts $f2 "$now [expr $bw2]"
   #puts $f3 "$now [expr $bw3]"

   #Re-Schedule The Procedure
   $ns at [expr $now+$time] "record"

# define color index
$ns color 0 blue
$ns color 1 red
$ns color 2 chocolate
$ns color 3 red
$ns color 4 brown
$ns color 5 tan
$ns color 6 gold
$ns color 7 black

set n(0) [$ns node]
#$ns at 0.0 "$n(0) color red"
$n(0) color "0"
$n(0) shape "circle"
set n(1) [$ns node]
$n(1) color "blue"
$n(1) shape "circle"
set n(2) [$ns node]
$n(2) color "tan"
$n(2) shape "circle"
set n(3) [$ns node]
$n(3) color "red"
$n(3) shape "circle"
set n(4) [$ns node]
$n(4) color "tan"
$n(4) shape "circle"
set n(5) [$ns node]
$n(5) color "red"
$n(5) shape "circle"

for {set i 0} {$i < $val(nn)} {incr i} {
    $ns initial_node_pos $n($i) 30+i*100

$n(0) set X_ 0.0
$n(0) set Y_ 0.0
$n(0) set Z_ 0.0

$n(1) set X_ 0.0
$n(1) set Y_ 0.0
$n(1) set Z_ 0.0

$n(2) set X_ 0.0
$n(2) set Y_ 0.0
$n(2) set Z_ 0.0

$n(3) set X_ 0.0
$n(3) set Y_ 0.0
$n(3) set Z_ 0.0

$n(4) set X_ 0.0
$n(4) set Y_ 0.0
$n(4) set Z_ 0.0

$n(5) set X_ 0.0
$n(5) set Y_ 0.0
$n(5) set Z_ 0.0

$ns at 0.0 "$n(0) setdest 100.0 100.0 3000.0"
$ns at 0.0 "$n(1) setdest 200.0 200.0 3000.0"
$ns at 0.0 "$n(2) setdest 300.0 200.0 3000.0"
$ns at 0.0 "$n(3) setdest 400.0 300.0 3000.0"
$ns at 0.0 "$n(4) setdest 500.0 300.0 3000.0"
$ns at 0.0 "$n(5) setdest 600.0 400.0 3000.0"

$ns at 2.0 "$n(5) setdest 100.0 400.0 500.0"
#$ns at 1.5 "$n(3) setdest 450.0 150.0 500.0"


set sink0 [new Agent/LossMonitor]
set sink1 [new Agent/LossMonitor]
set sink2 [new Agent/LossMonitor]
set sink3 [new Agent/LossMonitor]
set sink4 [new Agent/LossMonitor]
set sink5 [new Agent/LossMonitor]
$ns attach-agent $n(0) $sink0
$ns attach-agent $n(1) $sink1
$ns attach-agent $n(2) $sink2
$ns attach-agent $n(3) $sink3
$ns attach-agent $n(4) $sink4
$ns attach-agent $n(5) $sink5

#$ns attach-agent $sink2 $sink3
set tcp0 [new Agent/TCP]
$ns attach-agent $n(0) $tcp0
set tcp1 [new Agent/TCP]
$ns attach-agent $n(1) $tcp1
set tcp2 [new Agent/TCP]
$ns attach-agent $n(2) $tcp2
set tcp3 [new Agent/TCP]
$ns attach-agent $n(3) $tcp3
set tcp4 [new Agent/TCP]
$ns attach-agent $n(4) $tcp4
set tcp5 [new Agent/TCP]
$ns attach-agent $n(5) $tcp5

proc attach-CBR-traffic { node sink size interval } {
   #Get an instance of the simulator
   set ns [Simulator instance]
   #Create a CBR  agent and attach it to the node
   set cbr [new Agent/CBR]
   $ns attach-agent $node $cbr
   $cbr set packetSize_ $size
   $cbr set interval_ $interval

   #Attach CBR source to sink;
   $ns connect $cbr $sink
   return $cbr

set cbr0 [attach-CBR-traffic $n(0) $sink5 1000 .015]
#set cbr1 [attach-CBR-traffic $n(1) $sink2 1000 .015]
#set cbr2 [attach-CBR-traffic $n(2) $sink3 1000 .015]
#set cbr3 [attach-CBR-traffic $n(3) $sink0 1000 .015]
#set cbr4 [attach-CBR-traffic $n(4) $sink3 1000 .015]
#set cbr5 [attach-CBR-traffic $n(5) $sink0 1000 .015]

$ns at 0.0 "record"
#$ns at 0.5 "$cbr0 start"
#$ns at 0.5 "$cbr2 start"
#$ns at 2.0 "$cbr0 stop"
#$ns at 2.0 "$cbr2 stop"
$ns at 1.0 "$cbr0 start"
#$ns at 4.0 "$cbr3 stop"

$ns at 10.0 "finish"

puts "Start of simulation.."
$ns run


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