
I am simulating a TCP/FTP to TCP/FTP network and trying to monitor the
packet loss.
I am able to monitor and graph data regarding the TCPSinks' bytes received,
but I can't monitor packet loss.

Why is it that the TCPSink Agent has a variable for bytes (bytes_) but not
one for monitoring packet loss?

Do I have to monitor the packet loss from the queue? If so, how do I write
code for this?

Below is part of the code for monitoring bytes received from sinks if anyone
was interested.

proc record {} {
        global sink sink1 f0 f1 f2
    #Get an instance of the simulator
    set ns [Simulator instance]
    #Set the time after which the procedure should be called again
        set time 0.3
    #How many bytes have been received by the traffic sinks?
        set bw0 [$sink set bytes_]
    set bw1 [$sink1 set bytes_]
    #Get the current time
        set now [$ns now]
    #Calculate the bandwidth (in MBit/s) and write it to the files
        puts $f0 "$now [expr $bw0/$time*8/1000000]"
    puts $f1 "$now [expr $bw1/$time*8/1000000]"
    #combination of f0 and f1
    puts $f2 "$now [expr $bw0/$time*8/1000000+$bw1/$time*8/1000000]"
    #Reset the bytes_ values on the traffic sinks
        $sink set bytes_ 0
    $sink1 set bytes_ 0
    #Re-schedule the procedure
        $ns at [expr $now+$time] "record"

Thank you for your help.

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